
Jamie Milton, Congress 14th District 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
Congress District 14 candidate Jamie Milton

Full Name: Jaime Milton

What office are you seeking? U.S. Congress IL 14

City: Fox River Grove

Occupation: VP of Manufacturing Company (former)

Education: Self-taught - climbed the corporate ladder through hard work and dedication reaching VP level 6 years ago.

Aquarius Institute of Computer Science - HTML Programming Elmhurst College - Course work

Various certifications obtained over the years in leadership, sales, marketing, and accounting. Certification examples would include Dale Carnegie, Fred Pryor, Purple Cow Marketing, and Zig Ziglar.

Campaign Website: jaimemilton.com

What is your position re-establishing the Child Tax Credit at $3,500 per child as set in the American Rescue Plan?

I am in favor of re-establishing the Child Tax Credit at $3,500 per child to help struggling families (in the short term). My long term plan is to fix the taxation system, make it fair, and eliminate burdensome regulations. I support a 10% federal flat tax for all, including businesses. No deductions, no exceptions, and no shelters.

Do you believe that corporations pay enough in taxes?

We must fix the taxation system, make it fair, and eliminate burdensome regulations. I support a 10% federal flat tax for all, including businesses. No deductions, no exceptions, and no shelters. All federally funded programs which exist outside the constitutional established scope of responsibility will need to be evaluated. The power needs to return to the people and be governed at the state and local level. Each state must set the tax rates with the benefit of their residents in mind and provide tax incentives for start ups and businesses that are investing in opportunity zones.

According to the Small Business Administration, there are more than 30 million small businesses in our nation employing 60 million workers, almost half (47.5%) of the U.S. workforce. Small businesses represent over 90% of American businesses and generate a third of all exports. Overbearing regulations and taxes, lockdowns, and “mandates,” supply chain interruptions, and big corporation monopoly are hurting our nation’s entrepreneurial backbone. The more taxes and regulations are imposed on businesses, the less businesses have to devote to startups and job creation.

Would you support increases or decreases in the amount of taxes corporations pay? Why?

We must fix the taxation system, make it fair, and eliminate burdensome regulations. The more taxes and regulations are imposed on businesses, the less businesses have to devote to startups and job creation. I support a 10% federal flat tax for all, including businesses. No deductions, no exceptions, and no shelters.

Do the rich, defined as the wealthiest 1%, pay enough in taxes?

When the wealthy succeed, we all succeed. I stand by my proposed 10% flat federal tax across the board. It is not wise to drive the wealthy out of the U.S. by increasing their tax burden which has a direct negative impact on employment opportunities and our overall economy.

Would support changes in the tax code that would increase or decrease their tax burden? Why?

I support a 10% federal flat tax for all, including businesses. No deductions, no exceptions, and no shelters.

Do you support raising taxes on capital gains and dividends? Why?

No. The American people are overtaxed. Government instead needs to work on improving their ability to properly manage and work within an established budget.

The COVID-19 pandemic saw a breakdown in this country’s supply chain. What would you propose to fix it?

Unconstitutional mandates and lockdowns are an overreach of power and are responsible for this country’s supply chain issues. The Federal Government has no authority to infringe upon our inalienable rights. I propose we hold government officials accountable for breaking our laws and causing untold damage to our economy, families, and businesses.

How would you bring back manufacturing jobs?

America comes first with regard to manufacturing. Critical manufacturing of essential items (medical and military) must remain in the USA. Our trade policy should promote America’s prosperity, safety, and strong standing globally. It should not make our nation dependent on others to thrive and survive. Fair trade is of the essence. Whatever tariff a country charges America, America should reciprocate unless both countries engage in free trade. Fairtrade is free trade.

What plans do you have to help the lower and middle class?

Many Americans are working well over 40 hours a week in salaried positions. This leaves little to no time to become involved locally. Engaging within our communities will be necessary for a thriving economy. I propose a 40 hour work week to enable Americans to get involved at township, school board, and community related meetings. We need to return to the days when the majority of residents were present at meetings and their voices heard with regard to how their cities are governed and how their budgets are spent. This means we must get involved. The power needs to return to the people and be governed at the state and local level.

With the proposed 10% flat federal tax and having each state set the tax rates with the benefit of their residents in mind, this will provide tax incentives for start ups and businesses that are investing in opportunity zones.

According to the Small Business Administration, there are more than 30 million small businesses in our nation employing 60 million workers, almost half (47.5%) of the U.S. workforce. Small businesses represent over 90% of American businesses and generate a third of all exports. Overbearing regulations and taxes, lockdowns, and “mandates,” supply chain interruptions, and big corporation monopoly are hurting our nation’s entrepreneurial backbone. The more taxes and regulations are imposed on businesses, the less businesses have to devote to startups and job creation.

Do you support the idea that government can require immunizations against COVID-19 or other communicable diseases?

No. Each individual has the right to exercise medical autonomy over their own bodies. It is unconstitutional to mandate immunizations.

How do you feel about mask mandates?

We know the masks do not prevent the spread of COVID. Mask mandates are unconstitutional.

Is America prepared for either another round of the current pandemic, or the next one?

Regardless of a declared pandemic, the Federal Government has no right to infringe upon our constitutional rights. Our constitutional rights were violated through forced lockdowns and mandates responsible for destroying our once thriving economy. We are a free people and free we shall remain.

Do you support new laws or regulations to safeguard people in the event of another pandemic?

No matter the challenges America may face, the Federal Government has no authority to infringe upon our inalienable rights. What has been cloaked as “safety precautions” is government overreach and is unconstitutional.

Should Medicare be expanded to include dental coverage for older Americans?

No constitutional basis exists for the Federal Government to have the responsibility to distribute medical funding (including dental). Universal healthcare/dental care will embolden facilities to be negligent and irresponsible with no consequence because they will continually be subsidized.

Each medical/dental facility seeking taxpayer money should petition the designated counties they serve under. I want to bring back the power of the state and county when it comes to spending taxpayer money. It is the taxpayers responsibility to come together to vote on what they deem a proper budget to give to the medical facilities. This ensures medical/dental facilities account for the people they serve. The state legislators job will be to assign a certain amount of counties to that specific medical institution serving that area.

What are the top two threats to our national security?

Border Control

Nuclear weapons

What should be done to eliminate them?

Complete the wall, reinstitute Title 42, hold government officials accountable who are breaking the law in spending tax payer dollars to usher in the undocumented migrant invasion.

We must take drastic measures to get budgets under control to ensure the financial viability of this nation. We must be energy independent and cease partnering with countries who want to destroy us.

What is your position on climate change and what should be done about it?

This nation is hemorrhaging issues and climate change is not one of them.

When I hear the term “climate change”, I hear “wasteful and unnecessary spending”.

What is your position on nuclear energy expansion?

### I am pro-nuclear energy expansion because it will create thousands of jobs, offer clean energy, and provide energy security. Expanding our nuclear energy will contribute to global influence and national security.

Should America invest in other forms of renewable energy? Please explain.

The renewable energy proposed in The Green New Deal is catastrophic and will bankrupt this country. This plan leaves us dependent upon countries like China and Germany who are producing the windmills and turbines. Turbines are killing bald eagles and other birds.

The Green New Deal is nothing but a ploy to promote a new industry while depriving another. Some of the most outrageous policies stemming from this Marxist plan include getting rid of farting cows and airplanes and retrofitting every building in America to “restore” the ecosystem to net Zero in less than ten years. Green jobs for all, universal health care, free public education, $15/hour minimum wage are some of the proposed policies funneling agendas that have nothing to do with the environment but everything to do with the “Green New Deal,” which only puts green in its pushers’ pockets.

I reject this deal and its cover-up “Build Back Broke,” which promotes an authoritarian one-world order cloaked in ecology.

The Biden administration spent 500 million dollars on climate and clean energy research alone. The Green New Deal is proposed as a solution, yet we are spending millions on continued research to reach a goal by 2050. The American people are spending billions on a agenda that is not about the climate but more about government control. This must change.

Less production restores cleaner and fresher air for us to breathe in certain areas. There is a wide geographical range in this nation full of buffalo, wildlife, mountains, and valleys - tons of fresh air and open space. America truly is 90% unoccupied land. however, the loud voices and opinions of a minority of people representing our large cities want to make climate change decisions that will affect the entire country. This Green New Deal is a disastrous plan.

Should pregnant women have the right to get an abortion?

No. Abortion is murder.

Is the immigration system a problem in this country? If so, what is your plan to fix it?

Yes, the immigration system is a problem in this country.

I believe that God calls Nations to be discipled, which implies borders with national sovereignty, history, culture, and language. Our duty as a sovereign nation is to preserve the peace that God has given us, and it can only be sustained through righteousness. While I support immigration, illegal immigration is just that; illegal.

THE SOUTHERN BORDER The Southern Border has become the epicenter of a political debacle. Along with all our borders, it is supposed to safeguard the sovereignty and safety of our nation. Having a functional immigration system to contain and monitor foreigners is not racist. We want to welcome guests, not chase intruders. There are laws already in the books that protect our citizens. We must enforce them. I support the wall’s completion, which was started under the Trump administration. Border walls have reduced illegal immigration in countries like Israel, Greece, Spain, and Norway. They are crucial in keeping control of immigration and preserving national security. I also want specific measures reinstated and made permanent, such as processing immigration cases in Mexico. When using common sense in dealing with our Southern Border, cartels and sex trafficking rings are stripped of their power. In turn, this reduces crime and saves lives, notwithstanding any terrorists who want to use the Southern Border and its latest crisis to get into our country.

FIXING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Specific measures can be immediately implemented to curb illegal immigration and address the status of the more than 20 million people living in our country illegally. I support tracking visas and e- verify to ensure visa overstays do not occur. While we all want to see our dreams become a reality, “dreamers” to (use the politically correct rhetoric) are not meant to be rewarded for breaking our laws. We also understand that children should not pay for the sins of their parents. I believe there is a fair approach to dealing with children that have come to this country illegally because of their parents. These children and their parents would have to have a clean record, learn to speak English, and know the history and values of our country. They would be required to pass an exam similar to those taken for citizenship to receive a five-year residence renewable upon completing a new test and maintaining an impeccable record. At that point, these new residents would obtain permanent legal status. They would be eligible to stay and work, but unless they were a minor under the age of 12 when entering the country illegally, they would not be able to become citizens. I believe that granting citizenship to children already born in the US from illegal immigration can be beneficial in rectifying the breach caused by unlawful immigration in our nation. However, we do not support the abuse of our 14th Amendment, which was meant to naturalize slaves. Using this blood-bought Amendment to have “anchor” babies should be a punishable crime.

LEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORM It should not take 20 years for law-abiding immigrants to become lawful American residents and citizens. Getting illegal immigration under control should help make legal immigration fair and reasonable. In so doing, only constitutional laws need to be enforced. Our immigration system needs to be merit and skilled-based. Only 15% of visas are granted to immigrants based on their skill set. This has to change. Our immigration system should not favor immigration through family ties over merit. People coming into our land should know our values, goals, and aspirations as a nation.

Do American cities have a crime problem?

Yes, primarily democratic run cities all have increasing problems with crime.

If so, what is your suggestion to solve it?

Support our police officers. Hold government officials accountable for releasing dangerous criminals into our streets prior to an inmate’s time being served. Hold government officials accountable for illegally bringing in millions of undocumented immigrants while using tax payer dollars to do it. Hold the media accountable for pushing narratives inciting violence. Ensure American citizens are armed.

Should police officers have qualified immunity in cases involving alleged excessive force or other misconduct?

The purpose of qualified immunity is to allow officers to do their job while providing accountability for bad actors. This question could have been worded better.

Are there any limits to the Second Amendment?

I will refer to The Constitution. I oppose Red-flag laws and FOID cards which are not supported by The Constitution. Chicago has strict gun control laws in place for law abiding citizens while at the same time its citizens suffer greatly from significant gun violence.

Do you support any restrictions on gun purchases or other stricter gun control measures including citizens’ access to military style weaponry?

I do not support any restrictions that push for gun control/bans.

Did Joe Biden win the 2020 election?

There is evidence coming forward continually that points to the fact that elections were tampered with. We would need to evaluate all of the audits to determine if Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

Should people convicted of a crime related to their participation in the riot ever be pardoned?

Are we asking about all riots that have taken place throughout the country over the last few years or is this question limited to only the Jan. 6th riot?

Should voters be required to show an ID to vote?


Would you, as a member of Congress, ever vote against certifying presidential electoral votes submitted by states’ official voting authorities?

Each state must ensure integrity to our election process - right now that process is severely lacking. Digital voting systems are susceptible to hacking and cyber attacks. It is not possible to track or verify the eligibility of mail in ballots.