
Joe Sosnowski, Illinois House 69th District 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
Illinois House of Representatives, District 69 candidate Joe Sosnowski

Illinois House of Representatives District 69 candidate Joe Sosnowski answered Shaw Local’s election questionnaire for the Illinois House primary election.

Voting ends for the primary election on the evening of June 28.

Full Name: Joe Sosnowski

What office are you seeking? State Representative - 69th District

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Alderman, City of DeKalb

Alderman, City of Rockford

State Representative, Illinois

City: Rockford

Occupation: Legislator and Fundraising Professional

Education: Bachelors of Arts, English, Northern Illinois University

Masters in Public Administration, Northern Illinois University (Summer 2022)

Illinois Licensed Real Estate Broker

Campaign Website: www.joesosnowski.com

What are the top issues facing your district and what would you like to do to address those issues?

We need to lower the cost of living.

As a state with one of the highest property taxes and overall tax burden in the country, we need legislators who are willing to address the difficult decisions that need to be made. The current majority believes Illinois needs a higher income tax increase. Illinois residents are saying “no more,” and unfortunately we see that as they move to other states.

We need parents involved in their children’s education.

We want government at all levels to focus on the basics: reading, writing, math, and science and leave social agendas out of the classroom. Too often we see federal and state legislators creating mandates on schools when instead parents in local districts should be partners in their children’s education.

We need balance in state government.

We have seen what happens when there is no balance and one party rule in Springfield. From poor fiscal management to bad policies, the Springfield majority has continued to make other states more attractive for both residents and job creators. Reforms like Fair Maps, term limits, open governance are essential to fix problems in Illinois.

If COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths rise again, what mitigations, if any, should the state pursue?

The Governor’s mandates (decided solely through executive order) did little to change hospital capacities and the health effects of Covid-19. Unfortunately, while states like Florida (with a higher median age) have experienced essentially the same results as Illinois despite having been essentially fully open. Illinois recently received an “F” rating for their response to the pandemic. While small stores, schools, and churches were closed, pot shops, liquor stores, and big box retailers where labeled as “essential.”

In light of Michael Madigan’s indictment, what steps should the legislature take to address corruption and ethics concerns in the state?

Fair maps, term limits, and policies that promote open and transparent government.

If there was one bill that you could get through the legislature next year, what would it be?

I would support a permanent and fully funded Invest in Kids program that would allow scholarships for families in need to be able to choose what educational environment is best for their children.

If there was one recently passed law you could repeal, what would it be?

All Defund the Police measures should be repealed. We should be supporting and backing the officers who help make our neighborhoods safe not driving them away.

Do you support term limits? If yes, why and what would they look like? And if no, why not?

Yes. Any form of term limits in the Constitution would be appropriate. We should have term limits for our Governors, legislators, and for legislative leadership positions, so the people of Illinois are in charge of their government.

Inflation across the country has greatly impacted the price of gasoline, food and other supplies. What should the legislature do to address these issues?

In order to address inflation, Illinois should reduce government spending and waste, fix our ongoing pension and benefit system debts, and work to lower property taxes for families across Illinois. Instead, the Springfield majority recently approved sending out $200 checks during an election year to try to buy vote. Illinois residents should be outraged.

Taxes are a top concern of Illinois voters. What do you think the underlying issues are and how would you propose addressing them?

Poor government management and wasteful spending by the Springfield majority that is controlled by one party. Illinois residents want balance in their government.

What are three things the state legislature could do to promote better fiscal responsibility within state government?

1. Term limits and Fair maps would create a more balanced approach to governance.

2. Open and transparent budget process that would require a one week public evaluation of any appropriations bills.

3. Reform our unfunded pension and retiree health insurance programs to reduce the long term debt.

How would you propose addressing the problems with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services?

We need to promote more community, non-profit, private sector, and family involvement in the community overall. It is extremely difficult for government programs to fill in for the needs of children who are lacking proper parenting. We need to expand our efforts to involve our local community institutions and partners to come along side parents and children in troubled situations to offer support.

What can be done at a state level to address crime?

1. Support law enforcement.

2. Prosecute criminals to the fullest extend and don’t reduce sentencing.

3. Support more educational opportunities in high risk communities.

Did Joe Biden win the 2020 election?

Unfortunately. His presidency has been a disaster.

What is your position on the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol?

It happened over a year ago. Violators should be held accountable, but the residents of Illinois are worrying about out of control prices, demanding great schools for their children, and seeking safety and security in their neighborhoods.

Illinois has seen significant revenue growth from marijuana sales and enhanced gambling. Are there other industries the state should consider to grow revenue?

The state of Illinois is losing high school students to other states that are offering more incentives and have better growing economies. We should refocus and refine our institutions of higher education so they are more competitive with other states.