
Bob Dunn, DuPage County Board 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
DuPage County Board, District 1 candidate Bob Dunn

DuPage County Board, District 1 candidate Bob Dunn answered Shaw Local’s election questionnaire for the DuPage County Board primary election.

Voting ends for the primary election on the evening of June 28.

Full Name: Bob Dunn

What office are you seeking? DuPage County Board Member, District 1

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Alderman, City of Elmhurst 11 years

Chair of Finance Committee

Mayor’s Financial Task Force, Public Works Chair

Vice Chair of ONCC Fly Quiet Committee

President of the Council of International Programs-Chicago


Occupation: Global Supply Chain Executive

Education: · MS in Industrial Engineering, Virginia Tech

· BS in Aerospace Engineering and Math minor, Penn State University

· PE License in Mechanical Engineering, State of MD

Campaign Website: www.bob4dupage.com

What steps should DuPage County health and sheriff’s departments take to prevent opioid addiction and overdose?

It is tragic how so many people were prescribed pain-killers, quickly became addicted, then had to search for illegal opioids. Continual education is need to dissuade any county resident from using heroin that could be laced with highly-potent Fentanyl.

What is your opinion of the county board’s actions and initiatives since Democrats assumed control of the board two years ago?

The County Board as done an adequate job in recent years in light of the pandemic, but his could be greatly improved.

Do you support the merger of additional county offices/departments?

I am highly supportive of efficient and low cost government. This opportunities should continually be examined.

What are your overall thoughts of the sheriff’s department’s job performance?

Overall crime has been ticking up in the last few years, especially with car-jacking and identity theft. Most people in the County are protected by local municipal police forces and more collaboration between the local police and the sheriff would have a positive impact on the negative trends residents have been seeing.

The county sheriff has taken several initiatives to help reform inmates (tattoo removal services, gardening classes, job placement). What other initiatives would you like to see in an effort to reform inmates?

Reforming inmates to become productive members of the community is critical to manage the prison population and these small gestures could be positive. Keeping the churches engaged is another tool.

DuPage County recently provided the DuPage Foundation $10.6 million for a grant program designed to support nonprofit organizations that address food and housing insecurity, mental health and substance use issues. Discuss the county’s role to further tackle these issues.

There are people suffering that are barely getting by day-today due to financial hardships. Providing food and shelter is a must for a caring-community. The County can work with local agencies to provide these solutions.

Assess the DuPage County Health Department’s actions to combat COVID-19.

The public relations campaign did get the word out on current restrictions and vaccine opportunities and we achieved high vaccine rates.

What changes, if any, need to be made related to the pandemic?

We need to work diligently in future health crises not to shut down our businesses, schools, and religious institutions and challenge the State when extreme measures are suggested.

What actions can the DuPage County Board take to minimize the tax burden on residents while not sacrificing services?

Continue to reduce the size of government and the associated pension liabilities. We should eliminate redundant taxing bodies that are creating superfluous levels of government and cost. We need to engage our communities to step up and get involved; government is not there to do everything for the residents.

How would you encourage economic and employment growth within DuPage County?

Smart economic development will lead to employment growth. Attracting successful and growing businesses to the County will certainly help accomplish these objectives.

Do you think there is a local crime problem? If so, what needs to be done about it?

My constituents believe that crime is increasing as it is creeping right into their neighborhoods with robberies and car jackings emanating for the City of Chicago. This should be combated with a more visible police presence and the installation of many more license plate reader cameras. This technology has had a huge payback in Elmhurst.

What local road and bridge projects should be a priority to get done in the county?

The recent Federal $1.2T Infrastructure programed approved in 2021 will help with many of these critical overdue upgrades. The County Board must be aggressive in securing our fair share of funding. Bike and Pedestrian projects for increase mobility should be stepped up.

Do you support decreasing local property taxes? If so, how would the county make up the difference?

Yes we need to work at lower taxes and help our businesses grow to broaden the tax base. The schools make up 70% of your property tax bill so helping the schools function more efficiently should be looked at.

Do you support stronger county government ethics laws? What measures do you support?

The main guiding principle of an elected official is to act in the best interest of the residents. When these official become self-serving or stay in office too long conflicts to serve effectively zap our progress and increases the cost of government.

What are your thoughts on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act?

The FOIA is a necessary tool to ensure we have an open and effective government. Educated and informed citizens are our best weapon to improve the quality of life for everyone.

Please state your plan to maintain government transparency.

The Open Meetings Act (OMA) helps greatly in this area. Residents need to be more comfortable and have the means to having a constructive dialogue with their elected officials. Answering emails directly and conducting town halls are actions for a more transparent government.

What would you push for as a member of county government to boost local businesses?

Have good schools and a safe community with a fair tax structure is the way to get sought after businesses to move into DuPage. Now it is difficult to attract and retain employees and the County should work directly with the College of DuPage to generate graduates with highly valued skills.

Should government employees and officials be allowed to sign nondisclosure agreements with private businesses?

NDAs are best suited for private enterprises to protect trade secrets. Individual elected officials should not be entering into NDAs with private entities on issues relating to the County.

Would you push for or against government officials and employees being allowed to sign non-disclosure agreements with private businesses?

This runs counter to an open and honest governement.