
Cindy Cronin Cahill, DuPage County Board 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
DuPage County Board, District 1 candidate Cindy Cronin Cahill

DuPage County Board District 1 candidate Cindy Cronin Cahill answered Shaw Local’s election questionnaire for the DuPage County Board primary election.

Voting ends for the primary election on the evening of June 28.

Full Name: Cindy Cronin Cahill

What office are you seeking? DuPage County Board District 1

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Elmhurst City Treasurer - elected

Illinois Liquor Control Commission - appointed

City: Elmhurst

Occupation: Certified Public Accountant - Licensed in Illinois

Education: University of Notre Dame, Bachelor of Business Administration, Accountancy

Immaculate Conception Catholic Prep

Campaign Website: www.Cindy4DuPage.com

What steps should DuPage County health and sheriff’s departments take to prevent opioid addiction and overdose?

The DuPage County health and sheriff’s departments should join efforts with our school districts to educate our young people and parents on the dangers of opioid use, which has created a crisis impacting all of our communities. It is crucial to raise awareness on the devastating consequences of opioid use so we can prevent future deaths. A key component to preventing opioid addiction and overdose is understanding the potency of fentanyl, which is often laced in opioids and other drugs. Parents and young people need to be aware that fentanyl is deadly – one time usage does kill. Our health department needs to be transparent in publishing the numbers of overdoses so our community is aware of this crisis and prepared to combat it. Furthermore, providing additional funding to the health department for treatment opportunities, such as Narcotics Anonymous, for those suffering from this crippling addition would be a substantial step in prevention.

What is your opinion of the county board’s actions and initiatives since Democrats assumed control of the board two years ago?

County board members need to work together in a collaborative manner to find concrete solutions to the pressing issues facing DuPage County. Despite having differing views of how to serve the County, the objective of these actions and initiatives should be the same – to work in the best interest of our citizens – our families, children, seniors, businesses and hardworking people of DuPage. Democrats and Republicans need to find common ground to tackle challenges together. I will work in a collaborative manner with all the county board members and county staff for the benefit of our citizens.

Do you support the merger of additional county offices/departments?

Yes, I support the merger of additional county offices/departments. It is critical we evaluate the processes that are duplicated in multiple departments and look for potential consolidation which would save taxpayer dollars.

What are your overall thoughts of the sheriff’s department’s job performance?

DuPage County is fortunate to have such an outstanding Sheriff’s Department, led by Sheriff Mendrick. The response to the recent shooting at OakBrook Mall highlights this fact. As a result of the Sheriff’s efficiency and due diligence, the firearm used in the shooting was tested for DNA by the DuPage County crime lab in a matter of hours. Additionally, the Sheriff’s office did an outstanding job during the pandemic. DuPage county jail had limited COVID-19 outbreaks, unlike neighboring counties.

The county sheriff has taken several initiatives to help reform inmates (tattoo removal services, gardening classes, job placement). What other initiatives would you like to see in an effort to reform inmates?

In addition to the current initiatives taken by the Sheriff’s department, another plan would be to provide educational classes to inmates, specifically in the areas of IT, coding and bookkeeping. This would offer inmates a unique skill set once they return to society, while also contributing to their reform.

DuPage County recently provided the DuPage Foundation $10.6 million for a grant program designed to support nonprofit organizations that address food and housing insecurity, mental health and substance use issues. Discuss the county’s role to further tackle these issues.

The County Board allocated a portion ($10.6 million) of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds received by the federal government to the DuPage County Foundation. The County partnered with the Foundation to utilize their knowledge and expertise to evaluate grant requests and best deliver health and human services to our community. This is a groundbreaking opportunity to provide more than just one-time, one-year grants. The initiative aims to provide multiyear funding and measure results of longer-term projects. The hope is that this approach fosters innovative solutions to some of our most pressing social service issues. The goal is to provide assistance that lifts people out of need and provides them with the tools and a pathway to self-sufficiency and stability. Together with non-profits, the DuPage Foundation and other public/private donor groups, the County Board can then invest in social service programs that provide the needed, positive outcomes that change lives.

Assess the DuPage County Health Department’s actions to combat COVID-19.

DuPage County was the leader in the state of Illinois for the testing and delivering of vaccines, as well as providing grocery delivery services to our community during the pandemic. The County vaccine site was organized and efficient. I personally drove seniors that had no transportation to the County site many times. I was able to park my van close by and easily help the handicapped seniors to get their vaccines in a very organized and efficient manner. They were so grateful to the County staff and all those who were so kind in administering the vaccines.

What changes, if any, need to be made related to the pandemic?

The County Health Department must continue to monitor the health and safety of our citizens and assess the ongoing changes and new variants linked to the COVID-19 virus. We need to evaluate the budget based on the pandemic and determine if we can reduce certain line items that are no longer needed.

What actions can the DuPage County Board take to minimize the tax burden on residents while not sacrificing services?

As our economy and businesses grow, they will produce more sales tax and revenue for County services. The DuPage County Board should scrutinize their budget to ensure that every dollar is spent wisely. In our current economy, we have crippling inflation and rising gas prices, and I will not add to that struggle by raising property taxes for our community. To hedge against high property taxes, I believe in a commitment to fiscal responsibility. As a career accountant, I know that disciplined budgeting and conservative spending can keep the County’s expenditures in line and allow the County to maintain healthy reserves. It is important to keep taxes low to encourage senior citizens to stay and younger people to move into DuPage County.

How would you encourage economic and employment growth within DuPage County?

It is crucial to keep our taxes low in order to promote economic activity. As a small business owner, I know that a reduced tax rate allows businesses to afford for more job opportunities, thus promoting employment growth. I believe businesses thrive with minimal governmental regulation and in an environment that supports growth and innovation. The collaboration of businesses, chambers, labor, and academia is vital to retain and attract business. Further, low tax rates allow our senior citizens a better opportunity to stay in the community and encourages young people to move to DuPage County. Additionally, I support increasing transportation access in and around O’Hare Airport as it will allow for a greater number of people to come into DuPage County to work, live, and invest in our community. These steps can help our community have a flourishing business environment.

Do you think there is a local crime problem? If so, what needs to be done about it?

While the number of burglaries in DuPage County has decreased this past year, the number of gun cases and car jackings is on the rise. I was the victim of a residential home invasion several years ago. My home was broken into in the early hours of the morning with my husband and children asleep. We called 911, the police and K-9 unit arrived and hours later apprehended the criminal hiding in a garage nearby. This frightening experience as a victim of crime enforces my determination that we need to fully fund the State’s Attorney and Sherriff’s Offices to ensure that law enforcement agencies have the proper resources to protect our children, families, neighborhoods and businesses.

What local road and bridge projects should be a priority to get done in the county?

The local road and bridge projects that should be a priority for the County are I-390 (the east-west corridor) and I-490, which runs north and south on the western side of O’Hare. It is essential that these projects take priority, because not only does the development of these roadways relieve congestion around O’Hare, but the project is already contributing to local job growth.

Economic development in the corridor west of O’Hare in both DuPage and suburban Cook County has rapidly accelerated, particularly in the warehousing and distribution sector. That development will lead to the attraction and retention of a variety of businesses. The completion of this project is expected to bring an estimated 65,000 jobs by 2040. This is an area where we should continue to work with our partners, to bring further development and true western access to O’Hare Airport. Additionally, North York Road should also be a priority because it is a major north/south artery that would also relieve congestion around O’Hare and provide for additional economic development opportunities for those communities it serves.

Do you support decreasing local property taxes? If so, how would the county make up the difference?

I support decreasing local property taxes. As a Certified Public Accountant, I will use my skills and expertise to analyze the budget carefully to find ways to consolidate and ensure that every dollar of hard-earned tax payer money is used wisely. We need to pursue the wonderful goals of delivering needed services efficiently, that is making sure our taxes are reasonable and fair and do not prevent young families from buying homes and senior citizens from living right here in our community.

Do you support stronger county government ethics laws? What measures do you support?

I firmly support stronger county government ethics laws. I am a CPA, a business owner, a wife, and mother of five children. I am a new voice on the County board and would be a new outsider coming in. It is important that the citizens of DuPage County can trust their elected officials and confidently know they are acting in their best interest, not in any self-dealing manner. I also support term limits. Local government officials should contribute their knowledge and expertise for a period of time - not as a career politician.

What are your thoughts on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act?

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act is essential to providing protections for the public and maintaining honesty and transparency in government agencies. The Illinois Freedom of Information Act creates greater public awareness of government policies and procedures, and enhances public participation in government initiatives.

Please state your plan to maintain government transparency.

To maintain government transparency, we need to raise awareness in our communities so individuals know county board meetings are open to the public, and discussions during those meetings are encouraged. It is essential that members of the public have the opportunity to share their thoughts during those meetings and contribute ideas to government initiatives. Allowing the public with easy access to board meeting schedules and meeting locations will further maintain transparency in government and hold government officials accountable.

What would you push for as a member of county government to boost local businesses?

As a small business owner in DuPage County for over 30 years, one of my objectives on the county board would be to promote a business environment in which our local businesses can thrive. Maintaining reasonable, fair taxes while encouraging fiscally responsible initiatives for our local business community will boost job opportunity and economic growth. I understand that small businesses often struggle to meet payroll. Providing jobs by small businesses is essential to maintaining a great economy.

Should government employees and officials be allowed to sign nondisclosure agreements with private businesses?

I support full disclosure and transparency in government practice, and I believe a non-disclosure agreement is not appropriate when it comes to a public setting. When a public body deals with tax payer money and public dollars, transparency is vital and I do not believe that a non-disclosure agreement would be appropriate.

Would you push for or against government officials and employees being allowed to sign non-disclosure agreements with private businesses?

I do not foresee a circumstance where a nondisclosure agreement would be appropriate in a public matter, and I would be opposed to officials and employees signing such agreements.