
Paul Barthel, McHenry County Board 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
Paul Barthel is running for a McHenry County Board seat in District 4. He is competing against  Suzanne Delaney, Joseph Gottemoller and Mike Shorten for a spot in November's general election for the Republican party.

Full Name: Paul Barthel

What office are you seeking? McHenry County Board

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Private Board Member.

City: Cary

Occupation: Business Owner and Author

Campaign Website: https://barthelforillinois.com/

What would be your top three priorities?

The current partisan landscape has increasingly become belligerent and toxic. I am motivated by the failure for adequate representation for our children in public schools, misappropriation of tax dollars on a State level, reckless spending, acute government, overt crime, and a host of administration oversight failures. To be clear, it’s not monetary, nor stature, my reasoning for running for office, rather, is a frustration of the gradation that constituency representation must be validated once again in Illinois. If anything worthy has come out of COVID is the revelation and lack of transparency of our representation of public officials. Our schools, governor, general assembly, and school boards have all come under question the efficacy for which they are responsible. I would like to remind Illinois voters that they ask themselves, when is it time that you stand for what you say you believe, and how much longer are you will willing to tolerate non-transparency and government oversight?

Taxes are a top concern raised by voters locally. What do you do within your position to address residents’ tax burden?

While emergency COVID monies have provided a windfall for both the County and Illinois in excess of billions of dollars, I question the use of those funds which we have seen used for partisan projects and pork with little having to do with actual COVID relief. I would like to remind the voters, that those funds are not free, and the programs they provide funding are ultimately off the backs of the voters only adding more to our deficit. Both Illinois representatives and the county are guilty of overburdening the constituents with overt taxation thus creating a mass exodus from this state while the solution has been increased borrowing and thus creation of a junk bond status rating for our once proud state. Time and again, the solution has been to kick the can. Pension relief, aggressive auditing of school spending, unnecessary program evaluation, and government overreach must be addressed. Continued spending without a balanced budget is drowning Illinois as demonstrated by the most recent passed budget where democrats, once again, voted themselves another raise without any bipartisan representation in Springfield, in addition to allowing for Universal Income.

Voters also cited crime as a concern. What do you think needs to be done to address this concern?

Police need to be allowed to perform their job responsibilities unencumbered while those committing the crimes, held responsibly. Time and again, we have seen across the country what the, “defund the police,” movement has done and the lawlessness it has created. Further, we need fair and justifiable jurisprudence from our state’s attorney offices to look beyond identarian politics and grandstanding while reversing the no-cash bail debacle. It seems Illinois is one of few states failing to recognize that holding the perpetrators accountable is an effective deterrent to crime conduit to the act committed. Illinois has the most restrictive gun policies in the country, however, the highest amounts of shootings and street deaths. To be clear, I am a FOID card-carrying citizen and a strong proponent of second amendment rights.

How would you encourage economic and employment growth within McHenry County?

Easy, business stewardship minus the excess taxation and crippling regulatory actions. When announcing my campaign, I was reminded not to focus on the businesses of McHenry county since I would be a “county official,” rather than a mayor or trustee of a particular town. I could not have agreed less. A business owner myself, with a strong business community, encourages job creation, less tax burden on constituents, and stewardship for a strong economy. Businesses should not be an island left at sea when challenged during economic downturns. In addition to a strong business climate, is the necessary infrastructure that provides the ease and welcoming influx of increased transportation, shoppers, and tourism. More issues, here. https://barthelforillinois.com/issues

Do you think McHenry County should continue to challenge the new state law that prohibits its contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement? Why or why not?

Firstly, when seeking asylum, in the past was meant to define, a refugee as being forced to leave their country in the event of war or persecution. I am not aware of any detainees having been held in McHenry county that was subject to inhumane treatment or egregious actions by the state or government. It has become clear, the unscrupulous actions and exploitive measures to use immigrants as instruments for party partisan practices. This cannot be denied. McHenry County is certainly in line to question the motive of the general assembly and the current administration’s policy of, party over people. The case precedents forbidding state and federal governments from intruding on each other’s sovereignty should be noted.

What is the County Board’s role in addressing audit issues at the McHenry County Regional Office of Education?

The McHenry County ROE is one of several regional offices in Illinois that work with the state and local school districts. The superintendent of the office is elected by local voters in each of the regions. I cannot imagine any fiscal period or years for that matter where a budget that had not been submitted or allowed to be filled with inaccuracies would be tolerated in the private sector. Certainly, in this climate of questionable school board irregularities and being the highest tax burden of those residents of McHenry County should this not have been allowed to continue unchallenged. The time has come for accountability for those in elected positions while recourse should not be hindered either by union, hierarchy nor tenure.

What road and bridge infrastructure needs to be addressed in McHenry County?

Corridor Improvements and modernization are needed on several of the roads and bridges canvassing Mchenry County. A recent Highway Administration study suggested of those bridges in McHenry County, a little less than half were listed in what could be considered, good condition while a third was found to be in fair condition and the remainder listed as poor. With many Illinois residents seeking refuge in suburbia and the familial settings of McHenry County, have increased the demands on our roads and continuous need for improvements such as grading, culvert repair, resurfacing, aging bridge replacement, and pedestrian infrastructure. I look forward to working with the McHenry County Public Transportation Advisory Committee and Five Year Transportation Program.

What are the top issues facing Valley Hi Nursing Home and how should the County Board help address them?

Staffing and competitive pay, especially during COVID, have created staffing shortages and the ability to properly care for those residents. Job creation and retainability are crucial to ensure Valley Hi remains solvent and viable to accept additional occupants and maximized occupancy. Job fairs, tuition reimbursement, and networking with local college administrators and their skilled nursing programs developing cost-effective strategies for both motivated and qualified graduating students and interim staffing needs as part of a career shadowing program could benefit both the college and nursing care facility. An action committee within the board could be created in an effort to solve these issues by working closely with Valley Hi.

Assess the McHenry County Department of Health’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. What changes, if any, need to be made related to the pandemic or any future response?

The general assembly and JCAR failed the people of Illinois for lack of challenge, Governor Pritzker, and two years of mask mandates. To be clear, if an individual prefers to wear a mask, should be allowed to make that choice unhindered. In addition, while the jury is still out and can be debated, the efficacy of how COVID was handled and the failure to recognize natural immunity is a gross miscalculation. The general assembly and its representatives should support House Bill 843, curbing, Governor Pritzker’s ability to endlessly issue executive orders on a whim. More recently, the Governor went further by signing action that would only provide for paid leave to those teachers who were fully vaccinated. This tyrannical rule is out of line and has cost the taxpayers of Illinois dearly.

If you could reverse one decision made by the County Board last year, what would it be?

Of those funds provided for the McHenry County’s American Rescue Plan Act Allocation, would have provided shelter relief for those non-profit agencies within McHenry county. As an author on animal welfare issues and founder of the Animal Humane Advocacy, I understand the need for those additional stewardship measures needed for those sentient creatures. I have since approached the board suggesting a spay and neuter program, funding for chip reduction costs, an adoption drive, and lower-cost prescription medications for those qualified pet owners. I welcome the opportunity to work with those animal welfare agencies and McHenry County Board on advanced welfare practices. You can find more information on my website, https://barthelforillinois.com/issues.

Do you think there is a local crime problem? If so, what needs to be done about it?

While pale in comparison to the city of Chicago, McHenry County has excellent police departments and from what I understand, has the community support needed. More recently, McHenry County on a scale of 1 -100 rated 10.6 in violent crime while the nation averaged 22.7. Certainly, substance abuse and addiction remain contributing factors across the country while, A Way Out of McHenry County, offers the much-needed support and means for Assessment when challenged with such vices. For instance, Illinois has seen a 2,700 percent increase in synthetic opioid overdoses in less than a decade. Also, I am in full support of backing the blue with the necessary funds and support needed.

What local road and bridge projects should be a priority to get done in the county?

The McHenry County 2022-2026 Five Year Transportation Program includes $331.8 million in potential project expenditures while preventative maintenance makes up a large portion of that amount. $41.9 Million (13% of total expenditures) is projected for 26 bridge replacement or rehabilitation projects. Those bridges with a poor sufficiency rating that would qualify for Federal Funding also face increasing competition for limited federal bridge and TBP funds must be addressed. Allendale Road Township Bridge, Bunker Hill Bridges, and Flat Iron Road Bridge are but only a few of those bridges. This, in addition to Algonquin road resurfacing and Rt. 31 issues.

Do you support decreasing local property taxes? If so, how would the county make up the difference?

Is this a serious question? Being one of the utmost concerns for every Illinois resident, the blatant malfeasance and misappropriation of our tax revenue dollars are killing Illinois. No secret, residents are fleeing to Tennessee, the Carolinas, Florida, and Texas to escape the shamelessness that has been allowed. State rate reductions, pro-growth reforms, reducing the number of brackets on individual income tax, and a comprehensive audit of Governmental agencies are a beginning. More importantly, a welcoming business ambassadorship, whereby corporate tax rates can be adjusted based on employee hiring retention and pay scale. By design, Illinois has become a public sector economy, and its citizens are beholden to the electorate. Unfortunately, as we have seen, eventually you run out of other people’s money explaining why Illinois has a junk bond status rating. Illinois does not have a balanced budget as would the current administration suggest.

Do you support stronger county government ethics laws? What measures do you support?

For the purpose of effective sentencing and punishment guidelines, most definitely. However, based on morality or principle, the law should be the same regardless of skin color or ethnicity. For instance, as an author on animal welfare issues, my organization, Animal Humane Advocacy, has long stood for banning the sale of cosmetics in Illinois when having been tested on sentient beings, felony enforcement for animal abuse, registrar of animal abusers, veterinary care for retired Police Service Dogs, and retail pet sale ban. As a hotbed subject matter, I don’t think hypothetical ethics laws should be confused with civil rights and individuality.

What are your thoughts on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act?

In clear support. Repeatedly, we have seen agencies drag their feet for the requested release of what should be public information. Many times, from organizations that are funded with private tax dollars. I have witnessed this both for the release of information on both human and non-human animals. More recently, I can attest to how challenging transparency has been over the last two years in attempting to obtain information in regards to school policy and curriculum. People must remember, that our children are not the state’s children. In addition, while school choice or a voucher system is frowned upon, we all know it’s because of tax revenue dollars and effort to control the curriculum, and what is taught to our children.

Please state your plan to maintain government transparency.

Expediency and transparency in FOIA requests, mandatory school board reform, fiscal responsibility, and what is considered, open-knowledge, without any legal, technological or social restriction. City and County management must include citizen interaction, both on a personal and business level. While elected officials represent the people, they must remain grounded and current with municipal needs representative of the constituents and their voice. An example would be the failure and ignorance of our current Governor ignoring the people that elected him by issuing dozens of unchecked Executive Orders on a whim while distancing the voters. This is an unacceptable practice and should be challenged by the General Assembly.

What would you push for as a member of county government to boost local businesses?

In my campaign, I made it a point to hit almost every business in Woodstock, Cary, Crystal Lake, and parts of McHenry. As a business owner myself, businesses need the support of the Local Government. I am on record suggesting a business ambassadorship program whereby those municipalities within McHenry County work conjointly in attracting new, vibrant, and sustainable businesses and factory outliers in our business industrial parks. This would include a favorable taxing strategy, incentivized employee hiring, and college co-op internship whereby graduates are encouraged and rewarded for their efforts to remain, work, and raise their families within McHenry County. I welcome the opportunity to be the point on this program once elected.

Should government employees and officials be allowed to sign non-disclosure agreements with private businesses?

Let us be clear, Government employees don’t work for a particular person. They work for the government and its people. In the case of an NDA signed between the Government and private business, needs the full transparency and protection to avoid cronyism. Illinois has a long history of favoritism, passed envelopes, and backroom deals while allowing NDA agreements to go unchecked only leading to corruption and repeated unnecessary arbitration.

Would you push for or against government officials and employees being allowed to sign non- disclosure agreements with private businesses?

Systems Award for Management, B2G, and private businesses must continue working together with full transparency, especially in the State of Illinois. Without transparency, we fall prey to both cronyism and nepotism and while NDA agreements conceal confidential information, can also inadvertently and conveniently hide particulars.