
Shawn Ryan, DuPage County Board 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024

Full Name: Shawn Ryan

What office are you seeking? County Board member, District 4

What offices, if any, have you previously held? N/A

City: Glen Ellyn

Occupation: Retired Teacher and Coach

Education: Masters in Non Profit Administration Masters in Educational Administration (Principal’s Endorsement) Undergraduate Degree in Social Science

What steps should DuPage County health and sheriff’s departments take to prevent opioid addiction and overdose?

Training of staff on intervention procedures as well as continuing to educate the public.

What is your opinion of the county board’s actions and initiatives since Democrats assumed control of the board two years ago?

I agree that the board as a whole has taken positive steps over the last two years. The County Clerks office has made great strides particularly creating safe and efficient spaces for voting etc. In general the board has sought to find ways to more efficiently use our resources. Some revenues are up and the goal of maintaining current property tax rates continues to be supported.

Do you support the merger of additional county offices/departments?

As a way to more efficiently use our resources I support any process which allows services to be maintained while cutting costs. If costs can’t be cut the best course of action is to make sure we are using our resources in the best way possible. I do support the review of all departments as an ongoing procedure.

What are your overall thoughts of the sheriff’s department’s job performance?

I have been impressed with the Sheriff’s departments continued efforts at improving their abilities to combat crime in all its forms. I particularly appreciate their work developing rehabilitation programs. I also believe they have done a good job maintaining the overall safety and security of their territory during very difficult times.

The county sheriff has taken several initiatives to help reform inmates (tattoo removal services, gardening classes, job placement). What other initiatives would you like to see in an effort to reform inmates?

General education is always a good base for any individual who is struggling. Continuing to support academic intervention programs for families most likely to experience issues dealing with crime should be a focus. Intervention at the family level early on is key. Whatever collaborations the Sheriff’s Department can form with the community will only help. Additionally, any vocational training that can be added to the Sheriff’s programming would also be a plus.

DuPage County recently provided the DuPage Foundation $10.6 million for a grant program designed to support nonprofit organizations that address food and housing insecurity, mental health and substance use issues. Discuss the county’s role to further tackle these issues.

These issues are extremely important to our county as a whole. Continued support for the DuPage Foundation as well as any other legitimate organization that assists with food and housing insecurities as well as mental health and substance abuse should remain a focus of the county.

Assess the DuPage County Health Department’s actions to combat COVID-19. The county has provide a wealth of information to our citizens.

There has been a multimedia parade of information for anyone interested to see and hear. Communication regarding vaccinations, testing and general information has been plentiful. I feel that in a very difficult time the Health Department has met the challenge.

What changes, if any, need to be made related to the pandemic?

A continuous effort need to be made to educate all of the populations within DuPage County. There are still groups who have been misinformed by propaganda and this continues to stand in the way of public health. This won’t be that last time we are called upon to pull together for the sake of public safety. Fighting against the groups that view public health protocols as infringements on their individual rights is a very important issue and one that needs to be a focus moving forward.

What actions can the DuPage County Board take to minimize the tax burden on residents while not sacrificing services?

Following the lead of the proposals which call for a hold on property taxes is a great piece of the pie. Finding additional revenues such as transfer fees etc. has been a good move by the board recently and this type of thinking along with looking to use current resources more effectively is the key to a winning strategy. It is important that we provide high quality services to all while keeping the tax burden at a minimum.

How would you encourage economic and employment growth within DuPage County?

The draw of DuPage county is the quality education, proximity to highly developed transportation lines and a diverse group to pull employees from. Maintaining reasonable property tax rates, highly performing schools and offering attractive tax rates for businesses is a great set of qualities that discerning investors will appreciate. Developing the infrastructure here in DuPage is also important. Marketing the fact that we have all of these things should bring new business and the residents that come with them to our county.

Do you think there is a local crime problem? If so, what needs to be done about it?

The local police departments as well as our Sheriff have done a great job of keeping the peace during a very volatile period. Over the last five years we have seen unrest nationally sparked by misinformation and hate filled rhetoric. Our communities have remained largely safe and secure. There has been an upsurge in crime during this time but our local law enforcement agencies have been up to the task, coordinating between themselves while developing protocols and procedures to deal with each new threat. A problem my neighbors are interested in seeing a commitment to stopping is the criminal sprawl from the east. Ideas as to how we can limit the influx of criminals who basically commute into and out of our communities is the most recent challenge. We do need to see some evidence of a plan regarding this concern.

What local road and bridge projects should be a priority to get done in the county?

The budget for this year has prioritized a 50 mile section touching Naperville, Downers Grove and Lisle for resurfacing as well as a bridge renovation. There are a number of other high traffic areas which are slated for resurfacing as well. I believe high traffic business corridors as well as bridges should receive priority status.

Do you support decreasing local property taxes? If so, how would the county make up the difference?

As noted previously I feel as if standing pat with current levels of property taxation would be prudent with the understanding that the county government is working on finding alternative revenues to offset any shortages that policy may cause. Also, it is important to note that the county board has seen an uptick in alternative revenues while also working to use resources more efficiently. Personally, I believe we as home owners pay enough already. It is the County Board’s responsibility to manage the revenue in a way which allows for the best possible outcomes for the county as a whole.

Do you support stronger county government ethics laws? What measures do you support?

We already have an Ethics Board in place, complete with the ability to investigate complaints. My vote would be to use the process and policies in place before seeking to establish new ones. If in fact the current guidelines do not allow for adequate management of elected officials etc. then a new system should be seriously considered.

What are your thoughts on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act?

I feel as if the FOIA is a functional tool for groups or individuals seeking detail on specific issues. There is an exemption to these searches which includes highly personal information. Therein lies the rub. At what point are these searches counter-productive? If the FOIA request is done with a purely political or personal goal to destroy a person’s reputation or their career it is reprehensible and I am not in favor. If however a request is made to gather detail on how a legislative decision was arrived at or what legal guidelines were followed (or neglected) during a particular procedure then I support it.

Please state your plan to maintain government transparency.

I would follow all relevant ethics guidelines and laws regarding decisions made while I was acting as a representative of my district. I support access to government proceedings as currently dictated as well.

What would you push for as a member of county government to boost local businesses?

The County Board should facilitate the development of a pipeline between our local vocational programs and colleges and employers with the goal of creating a more diverse and job ready applicant pool for prospective employers. Additionally, I would look seriously at creative ways to work with prospective businesses regarding loans, tax plans etc. As I mentioned earlier, our county resources at present should be a draw. We need to work on marketing those strengths as a first step.

Should government employees and officials be allowed to sign non-disclosure agreements with private businesses?

Simply stated, no. There are many reasons to prevent government employees from entering these type of agreements. The first and most important is that government employees are working for the people not the official at the top of the office or administration they are working for. Information regarding legislation, expenditures, the use of public funds etc. should not be shielded from public view. There are safeguards in place to blunt personal attacks which are generally referred to as slander and liable laws. That said, if there are ethics investigations taking place pertinent correspondence should be available to investigators. Personal, non relevant information is another matter.

Would you push for or against government officials and employees being allowed to sign nondisclosure agreements with private businesses?

Non-disclosure agreements seem to me, to contradict the concept of transparency in government. Furthermore if we enter into an agreement with a business as a representative of our local government, all the details of that agreement should be public.