
Tasha Sims, DeKalb County Clerk & Recorder 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
DeKalb County Clerk & Recorder candidate Tasha Sims

Full Name: Tasha Sims

What office are you seeking? DeKalb County Clerk & Recorder

What offices, if any, have you previously held? I have served as a Public Servant for DeKalb County Government for 14+ years. I am also the Secretary for the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District. In addition, i have also been appointed to and currently serve on:

The Public Building Commission, Secretary Board of Directors for the Voluntary Action Center, Kingston Friendship Center Board, Kingston United Methodist Church Administrative Council.

City: I am from Sycamore. My husband and I own our home and are raising our children in Kingston Township.

Occupation: Executive Assistant for DeKalb County Government

Education: I graduated from Sycamore High School and obtained an Associate’s Degree in Office Systems from Kishwaukee Community College.

I have also successfully completed: Sycamore Chamber’s Leadership Academy, NIU Civic Leadership Academy, National Association of Counties (NACo) High Performance Leadership Academy

Campaign Website: https://simsforcountyclerk.com

What would be your top three priorities over the next four years?

Maximize voter registration and voter turnout efforts by utilizing the various forms of media to educate the voting public about the registration process, upcoming election information, and voter responsibilities. All while providing the best possible services by conducting efficient, fair, honest, and impartial election at a minimum cost.

I would love to build upon and strengthen relationships with Election Judges as well as other DeKalb County Units of Local Government. Through my experience and understanding of County Government, I want to lead the way in what good government is about, how public organization should be run, and how they should act to meet citizens’ needs. I want every resident that comes in contact with the Clerk/Recorder’s Office to feel comfortable with the process and I want all of the staff to feel proud to work for the County.

Taxes are a top concern raised by voters locally. What do you do within your position to address residents’ tax burden?

Everything being done in the Office is done in accordance to Illinois Compiled Statutes. The County Clerk/Recorder’s Office operates using state mandated fees which takes much of the burden off tax payers dollars. I understand the County’s Budget Process. Maintaining a conservative budget and working within the confines of that budget are very important to me. I want to ensure that the office is utilizing the best vendors that are providing the best competitive prices. I am also someone who is always looking for efficiencies not only in one department but throughout the whole organization. Lastly, I understand at times that doing something “in-house” may be an added burden or take extra staff time. However, if it is more economical and we have more control on the outcome, I fell the task should be done by staff as opposed to outsourced.

What level of confidence do you think voters have in local elections? What is driving that confidence or lack thereof?

Despite what the National Media reports, I believe that most voters in DeKalb County are confident in the security and integrity of our local election process. I know that the security of the vote count in DeKalb County is housed on a computer that is not connected to the network and therefore cannot be accessed from the outside. The DeKalb County Election’s Office within the Clerk/Recorder’s Office has an excellent tract record of conducting very secure, accessible, and fair elections. I have seen first hand how dedicated the Election Judges and staff are in ensuring that every election in this County is run with the upmost integrity and it is a definite area of pride.

If you could redo any one decision made by the county clerk in the last four years, what would it be and why?

I am aware of past concerns about last minute registrations and voter access. I feel it is important to make the public and students aware of their voting responsibilities. I also think all decisions are learning experiences, good or otherwise. The staff in the Clerk/Recorder’s Office are all experienced and very knowledgeable. It would be an honor for me to work beside them and utilize each of their unique capabilities to continue to make the best decision possible for the residents of DeKalb County.

In addition to elections, the county clerk’s office handles a myriad of duties. What do you bring to the table that your opponents do not?


I began my career in the Clerk/Recorder’s Office a little over 14 years ago. I have been crossed trained in all aspects of the office from Recording, to Vital Records, to Tax Extension, to Elections. I am very involved with the County Board Proceedings, Statements of Economic Interest, and I have been a Passport Acceptance Agent for the past 12 years.

I pride myself on my grit and my work ethic.

I have found that moving around in my various positions have provided me with amazing opportunities to be able to understand not only how the Clerk’s Office works but how all of DeKalb County Government works essentially inside and out. I have spent hundreds of hours in County Meetings acting as a sponge and soaking up all of the history and information I could possibly absorb. After all of these years, I now feel confident, prepared, and more than ready to serve the citizens of DeKalb County.

This is my home.

I was born and raised in DeKalb County. We are raising our family here. My heart is here. I am fully invested, and I really want to make everyone proud to living in this great County.