2022 Election

Mark Joseph Carroll, US House 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
US House of Representatives, 11th Congressional District candidate Mark Joseph Carroll

Full Name: Mark Joseph Carroll

What office are you seeking? U.S. House of Representatives 11th Congressional District Illinois

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Trustee (Elected), Village of North Aurora (8 years)

Member (Appointed), Village of North Aurora Planning Commission (5 years)

City: North Aurora

Occupation: Vice-President - Senior General Counsel

Education: J.D. - Northern Illinois University (2001)

B.A. Political Science & History - Hillsdale College (1996)

Joliet Catholic Academy (1992)

Campaign Website: www.markcarrollforcongress.com

What is your position re-establishing the Child Tax Credit at $3,500 per child as set in the American Rescue Plan?

I believe in giving Americans back more of their money. The best way to help individuals and families in the 11th District in the long term is to support policies that cut the size and scope of the federal government, ensure energy independence and open up all sources of domestic energy production, pass balance budgets and reduce taxes. Runaway spending by Washington leaders in the past several years has and will cause strain on our economy for generations. We cannot continue to borrow from China against our children’s future. Congress needs to perform its job and pass a balanced, timely budget every year. We cannot afford the recent trend of funding our government through Continuing Resolutions filled with pork. America can no longer afford to rely on foreign energy and foreign supply chain materials and manufacturing. We need to get back to American energy independence that is market driven and that includes all sources of available energy. Democrats have their fist on the scale toward a radical “green” agenda with no concern for the economic harm these measures inflict on the every day citizens of the 11th District and America. We have seen record inflation largely due to the high cost of foreign energy that has increased costs in our supply chains, which is, in turn, passed along to hardworking Americans at the gas pump and at the grocery stores. The Biden Administration has been asleep at the wheel, as people in the 11th Congressional District and America continue to suffer.

Do you believe that corporations pay enough in taxes?

Despite what Hillary Clinton may profess, businesses create jobs not the government. However, we have witnessed firsthand over the past two years that poor policies including extended welfare payments that pay people more not to work can actually kill job growth. Democrats profess to be the party of the people and scapegoat corporations in order to divert attention from their own miserable policy failures. Increased government, skyrocketing debt, restricting domestic energy production to intentionally push a radical green agenda, hurts the people in the 11th District and all Americans. Corporations are not the enemy of the prosperity, government is.

Would you support increases or decreases in the amount of taxes corporations pay? Why?

Despite what Hillary Clinton may profess, businesses create jobs not the government. However, we have witnessed firsthand over the past two years that poor policies including extended welfare payments that pay people more not to work can actually kill job growth. Democrats profess to be the party of the people and scapegoat corporations in order to divert attention from their own miserable policy failures. Increased government, skyrocketing debt, restricting domestic energy production to intentionally push a radical green agenda, hurts the people in the 11th District and all Americans. Corporations are not the enemy of the prosperity, government is.

Do the rich, defined as the wealthiest 1%, pay enough in taxes?

The problem with our government is not that it does not bring in enough in taxes. The problem is that our government does not live within its means.

We need a return to a limited, decentralized Federal Government with the Power of the Government returned to the states and local governments, where it belongs….so that the true power of America, its People, can once again be unleashed for job creation, wage growth, technology and innovation, and that uniquely “CAN-DO” American Spirit that generated the greatest, most prosperous Country in the history of Mankind! Congress needs to pass timely, balanced budgets every year. Congress needs to pass the line item veto to cut out pork spending and government waste.

Would support changes in the tax code that would increase or decrease their tax burden? Why?

The problem with our government is not that it does not bring in enough in taxes. The problem is that our government does not live within its means.

We need a return to a limited, decentralized Federal Government with the Power of the Government returned to the states and local governments, where it belongs….so that the true power of America, its People, can once again be unleashed for job creation, wage growth, technology and innovation, and that uniquely “CAN-DO” American Spirit that generated the greatest, most prosperous Country in the history of Mankind! Congress needs to pass timely, balanced budgets every year. Congress needs to pass the line item veto to cut out pork spending and government waste.

Do you support raising taxes on capital gains and dividends? Why?

The problem with our government is not that it does not bring in enough in taxes. The problem is that our government does not live within its means.

We need a return to a limited, decentralized Federal Government with the Power of the Government returned to the states and local governments, where it belongs….so that the true power of America, its People, can once again be unleashed for job creation, wage growth, technology and innovation, and that uniquely “CAN-DO” American Spirit that generated the greatest, most prosperous Country in the history of Mankind! Congress needs to pass timely, balanced budgets every year. Congress needs to pass the line item veto to cut out pork spending and government waste.

The COVID-19 pandemic saw a breakdown in this country’s supply chain. What would you propose to fix it?

America works best when the Federal Government gets out of the way and the free-market drives the economy. Let’s be clear, the government does not create jobs; the People do – entrepreneurs, small business owners, and innovators. The government has no business attempting to drive the market. The market is driven by the people.

We need a return to a limited, decentralized Federal Government with the Power of the Government returned to the states and local governments, where it belongs….so that the true power of America, its People, can once again be unleashed for job creation, wage growth, technology and innovation, and that uniquely “CAN-DO” American Spirit that generated the greatest, most prosperous Country in the history of Mankind!

As an attorney, I have sat with individuals and small business owner to develop plans and solutions for navigating the uncertain landscape created by the economic downturn of 2007- 2008. For the past almost 5 years, I have witnessed first-hand the choking grip of over-regulation and Federal Agencies working well beyond the scope of their authority with regulation by enforcement and providing little to no guidance to companies. Companies are forced to spend more on Compliance and legal risk mitigation, rather than on increased wages, added jobs, technology and innovation.

I would work to reign in this unconstitutional ”Fourth Branch” of Government by creating and supporting legislation aimed at reducing and/or eliminating agencies that have no authority for their existence under the Constitution. I would push the rulemaking authority back to Congress where it belongs, so that the elected officials are held accountable to the voters.

The persons we elect would have to cast the difficult votes and not pass the buck to unaccountable bureaucrats in these Federal agencies. I would support the reduction of the size and scope of the federal government workforce in all branches. I would support lower taxes and less government. In following these steps, we would increase domestic energy production, curb inflation and restore the supply chain.

How would you bring back manufacturing jobs?

America works best when the Federal Government gets out of the way and the free-market drives the economy. Let’s be clear, the government does not create jobs; the People do – entrepreneurs, small business owners, and innovators. The government has no business attempting to drive the market. The market is driven by the people.

We need a return to a limited, decentralized Federal Government with the Power of the Government returned to the states and local governments, where it belongs….so that the true power of America, its People, can once again be unleashed for job creation, wage growth, technology and innovation, and that uniquely “CAN-DO” American Spirit that generated the greatest, most prosperous Country in the history of Mankind!

What plans do you have to help the lower and middle class?

I support a return to reduced limited government, reduced taxes, energy independence, abolishing the U.S. Department of Education, comprehensive immigration reform and support of our law enforcement to reduce crime in our major cities. All of these would have a direct impact on the economy and benefit the lower and middle class.

America works best when the Federal Government gets out of the way and the free-market drives the economy. Let’s be clear, the government does not create jobs; the People do – entrepreneurs, small business owners, and innovators. The government has no business attempting to drive the market. The market is driven by the people.

We need a return to a limited, decentralized Federal Government with the Power of the Government returned to the states and local governments, where it belongs….so that the true power of America, its People, can once again be unleashed for job creation, wage growth, technology and innovation, and that uniquely “CAN-DO” American Spirit that generated the greatest, most prosperous Country in the history of Mankind!

In order to fight crime, we need to empower Police through adequate funding for personnel, equipment, technology, training and support. We need to stop attacking law enforcement and we need a heightened focus on respect for the rule of law. We need State’s Attorneys and Judges who keep criminals in jail and ask for and administer appropriate sentences. Finally, we need to revitalize our inner cities, with educational reform that focuses on the students rather than the Unions, create enterprise zones and utilize TIF districts, and we need to empower parents with educational choice and school vouchers.

Do you support the idea that government can require immunizations against COVID-19 or other communicable diseases?

To Restore America, we need to return to the universal belief in the Rule of Law as set forth in the Constitution. For decades the Democratic Party has possessed a universal, critical misunderstanding of the nature and scope of the Constitution. Democrats believe that if rights are not specifically identified in the Bill of Rights, then the Government must then have the authority to usurp and regulate those rights. However, our Founders understood that as citizens our rights are granted by God, not by the benevolence of politicians. In fact, the Founders warned that including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution might lead to the danger of government encroaching on the unlimited rights of the people. In truth, the Constitution is a social compact of the citizens, whereby the citizens agree to limit some of their rights and their power in order to form a government to regulate our society. The Constitution specifically defines what rights the people agree to limit and specifically enumerates and limits the power of the government. Any power of government not enumerated in the Constitution is reserved to the States and any rights belonging to the people not specifically limited in the Constitution remain with the people and remain inalienable. This means that if the people did not agree to limit their rights, the government has no authority to restrict them. Looking at the power of our government through this lens, makes it very difficult to justify the actions of national Democratic leaders over the past several years and decades.

How do you feel about mask mandates?

To Restore America, we need to return to the universal belief in the Rule of Law as set forth in the Constitution. For decades the Democratic Party has possessed a universal, critical misunderstanding of the nature and scope of the Constitution. Democrats believe that if rights are not specifically identified in the Bill of Rights, then the Government must then have the authority to usurp and regulate those rights. However, our Founders understood that as citizens our rights are granted by God, not by the benevolence of politicians. In fact, the Founders warned that including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution might lead to the danger of government encroaching on the unlimited rights of the people. In truth, the Constitution is a social compact of the citizens, whereby the citizens agree to limit some of their rights and their power in order to form a government to regulate our society. The Constitution specifically defines what rights the people agree to limit and specifically enumerates and limits the power of the government. Any power of government not enumerated in the Constitution is reserved to the States and any rights belonging to the people not specifically limited in the Constitution remain with the people and remain inalienable. This means that if the people did not agree to limit their rights, the government has no authority to restrict them. Looking at the power of our government through this lens, makes it very difficult to justify the actions of national Democratic leaders over the past several years and decades.

Is America prepared for either another round of the current pandemic, or the next one?

To Restore America, we need to return to the universal belief in the Rule of Law as set forth in the Constitution. For decades the Democratic Party has possessed a universal, critical misunderstanding of the nature and scope of the Constitution. Democrats believe that if rights are not specifically identified in the Bill of Rights, then the Government must then have the authority to usurp and regulate those rights. However, our Founders understood that as citizens our rights are granted by God, not by the benevolence of politicians. In fact, the Founders warned that including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution might lead to the danger of government encroaching on the unlimited rights of the people. In truth, the Constitution is a social compact of the citizens, whereby the citizens agree to limit some of their rights and their power in order to form a government to regulate our society. The Constitution specifically defines what rights the people agree to limit and specifically enumerates and limits the power of the government. Any power of government not enumerated in the Constitution is reserved to the States and any rights belonging to the people not specifically limited in the Constitution remain with the people and remain inalienable. This means that if the people did not agree to limit their rights, the government has no authority to restrict them. Looking at the power of our government through this lens, makes it very difficult to justify the actions of national Democratic leaders over the past several years and decades.

Do you support new laws or regulations to safeguard people in the event of another pandemic?

To Restore America, we need to return to the universal belief in the Rule of Law as set forth in the Constitution. For decades the Democratic Party has possessed a universal, critical misunderstanding of the nature and scope of the Constitution. Democrats believe that if rights are not specifically identified in the Bill of Rights, then the Government must then have the authority to usurp and regulate those rights. However, our Founders understood that as citizens our rights are granted by God, not by the benevolence of politicians. In fact, the Founders warned that including the Bill of Rights in the Constitution might lead to the danger of government encroaching on the unlimited rights of the people. In truth, the Constitution is a social compact of the citizens, whereby the citizens agree to limit some of their rights and their power in order to form a government to regulate our society. The Constitution specifically defines what rights the people agree to limit and specifically enumerates and limits the power of the government. Any power of government not enumerated in the Constitution is reserved to the States and any rights belonging to the people not specifically limited in the Constitution remain with the people and remain inalienable. This means that if the people did not agree to limit their rights, the government has no authority to restrict them. Looking at the power of our government through this lens, makes it very difficult to justify the actions of national Democratic leaders over the past several years and decades.

What are the top two threats to our national security?

The top threat to our national security is the invasion at our southern border and creates an imminent national security risk that is ignored by the democrats in Washington.

The most insidious and dangerous threat to our Republic is the systematic and intentional attacks and undermining of the procedural and structural checks and balances embedded in our constitutional framework meant to protect us from the unfettered power of the government when we are in the minority. The Progressive-Democratic Party has clearly demonstrated its desired intent to solidify its own power after the last election. When their expected gains in the House and Senate resulted in losses and the slimmest possible majority in the Senate, the democrats attacked the Electoral College, attempted to open up voter access to illegal aliens and convicted felons, threatened to admit democrat-leaning States to add democrat senators, and threatened to end the Senate filibuster. Since the introduction of the “Great Society” by Lyndon Johnson in the 1960′s, the Democratic Party has relied on activist judges and the U.S. Court system to force through its radical agenda, absent the legislative process or input by the people. When a conservative leaning Supreme Court finally threatens to thwart liberals’ plans, the democrats threaten to pack the Court to minimize the Court’s power as a co-equal branch of government. Over the past two years, we have seen an unprecedented power grab by the democrats at all levels of government in the name of an “emergency.” Our Constitutional checks and balances were ignored, and we were all deprived Constitutionally protected procedural due process of rights as citizens of Illinois and the United States. History did not judge President Lincoln kindly when he suspended the writ of habeas corpus during the Civil War or President Roosevelt when he interned people of Japanese descent in camps during World War. When we fail to uphold the Constitution in times of emergency, it is not worth the paper it is written on in good times. All these attacks on the procedural and structural framework embedded in our Constitution are just as insidious and dangerous as the attacks on the substantive issues. We need to elect people to serve in Washington who will not only defend Americans against the radical attacks on our firmly held substantive values and beliefs, but also who understands the Constitutional framework and knows how to identify where our checks and balances have been eroded, and will restore our federal government to the limited, decentralized government that our Founders intended. Only then, will the voices of the people of the 11th District be most loudly heard.

What should be done to eliminate them?

The top threat to our national security is the invasion at our southern border and creates an imminent national security risk that is ignored by the democrats in Washington.

The most insidious and dangerous threat to our Republic is the systematic and intentional attacks and undermining of the procedural and structural checks and balances embedded in our constitutional framework meant to protect us from the unfettered power of the government when we are in the minority. The Progressive-Democratic Party has clearly demonstrated its desired intent to solidify its own power after the last election. When their expected gains in the House and Senate resulted in losses and the slimmest possible majority in the Senate, the democrats attacked the Electoral College, attempted to open up voter access to illegal aliens and convicted felons, threatened to admit democrat-leaning States to add democrat senators, and threatened to end the Senate filibuster. Since the introduction of the “Great Society” by Lyndon Johnson in the 1960′s, the Democratic Party has relied on activist judges and the U.S. Court system to force through its radical agenda, absent the legislative process or input by the people. When a conservative leaning Supreme Court finally threatens to thwart liberals’ plans, the democrats threaten to pack the Court to minimize the Court’s power as a co-equal branch of government. Over the past two years, we have seen an unprecedented power grab by the democrats at all levels of government in the name of an “emergency.” Our Constitutional checks and balances were ignored, and we were all deprived Constitutionally protected procedural due process of rights as citizens of Illinois and the United States. History did not judge President Lincoln kindly when he suspended the writ of habeas corpus during the Civil War or President Roosevelt when he interned people of Japanese descent in camps during World War. When we fail to uphold the Constitution in times of emergency, it is not worth the paper it is written on in good times. All these attacks on the procedural and structural framework embedded in our Constitution are just as insidious and dangerous as the attacks on the substantive issues. We need to elect people to serve in Washington who will not only defend Americans against the radical attacks on our firmly held substantive values and beliefs, but also who understands the Constitutional framework and knows how to identify where our checks and balances have been eroded, and will restore our federal government to the limited, decentralized government that our Founders intended. Only then, will the voices of the people of the 11th District be most loudly heard.

What is your position on climate change and what should be done about it?

I believe in the Biblical principal of conservation. We all have a role to play in protecting wildlife and nature and in caring for the World which God created for us. With that said, I also believe that God also provides technology and advancement so that we can live together in society and provide for ourselves and our neighbor. Democrats have their fist on the scale toward a radical “green” agenda with no concern for the economic harm these measures inflict on the every day citizens of the 11th District and America. In fact, what we have seen from the Biden Administration is the moving toward a “green” agenda that is not market driven. In fact, the actions of the Biden administration with regard to its “green” energy agenda has caused soaring inflation on grocery store shelves and at the gas pump that hurt every hardworking American family.

What is your position on nuclear energy expansion?

Democrats have their fist on the scale toward a radical “green” agenda with no concern for the economic harm these measures inflict on the every day citizens of the 11th District and America. In fact, what we have seen from the Biden Administration is the moving toward a “green” agenda that is not market driven. In fact, the actions of the Biden administration with regard to its “green” energy agenda has caused soaring inflation on grocery store shelves and at the gas pump that hurt every hardworking American family. The idea that nuclear energy would not be included in our domestic energy plans is preposterous.

Should America invest in other forms of renewable energy? Please explain.

I believe in a market driven economy. The government should not be driving the market. the market should drive the 10 government. Democrats have their fist on the scale toward a radical “green” agenda with no concern for the economic harm these measures inflict on the every day citizens of the 11th District and America. In fact, what we have seen from the Biden Administration is the moving toward a “green” agenda that is not market driven. In fact, the actions of the Biden administration with regard to its “green” energy agenda has caused soaring inflation on grocery store shelves and at the gas pump that hurt every hardworking American family.

Should pregnant women have the right to get an abortion?

During my time as an intern and staff assistant on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution, I also worked on the Partial-Birth Abortion Act and the issue of euthanasia.

One of the most basic promises of our Declaration and Constitution is the protection of the inalienable right to life. Life begins at conception and ends at natural death. If Democrats honestly “followed the science” they would acknowledge this irrefutable truth. However, Democrats only want to follow the science when it suits them, but they demand that the rest of us do what they say. I believe in truth. It is for this reason that I would support a Constitutional Amendment defining Life as beginning at conception and ending at natural death and I would oppose any legislation aimed at weakening the Hyde Amendment.

Is the immigration system a problem in this country? If so, what is your plan to fix it?

The invasion at our southern border creates an imminent national security risk that is ignored by the democrats in Washington.

A. Secure the Border. Immigration reform is not possible without securing our Border. Our current open border poses a clear and present National security risk. Securing the border means allocating real funding for a wall, utilizing technology and boots on the ground. B. National Language. Adopting English as the National language means that Congress needs to allocate funding for the purpose of educating non-English speaking Immigrants how to read and write English. C. Guest Workers. We need to review and reform our guest worker program to make sure that once a worker changes employment or the Visa expires, we have a system for tracking the guest workers. D. Remove Criminals. We need to identify, round up and remove all Illegal Immigrants that are violent criminals. We would also make “sanctuary cities” illegal. E. Path to Citizenship. I do not advocate a path to citizenship unless all of the other 4 Pillars are included in a comprehensive package.

Do American cities have a crime problem?

First and foremost, America’s rising crime has nothing to do with our Police or policing. It is a failure of Democratic leadership.

Crime is on the rise in almost every major Democrat-run city in America. In order to distract our attention from this glaring fact, the Democrats push the blame on our law enforcement and they highlight isolated instances to inflame passions and distract us from the facts.

Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the Country. However, it also has one of the highest murder rates. Gun laws gun buybacks target legal gun owners. The problem is that crime is committed by criminals who do not follow gun laws. The Democrats’ solution is to restrict gun ownership of law-abiding citizens who wish to defend themselves. Guns are not the problem. It is much deeper societal and cultural issue. There is a direct correlation between the Liberals’ attempts to kill God in our everyday lives, deprive people of economic opportunity and quality education and the rise in crime. The Democrats have made promises for 60 years that schools would improve, streets would be safer, and the economic vitality of the cities would rise. This has not happened. Instead, the true Democrat motive, dependence on government at every level, has succeeded in getting them reelected and keeping them in power.

Over the past several years, we have seen a directed campaign by Democrats to target local Attorney General, State’s Attorney, and Circuit Judge races with an eye toward electing social-activist individuals. The Democrats and their supporters have spent enormous amounts of money in these election campaigns. In order to combat this, we need to educate voters on the importance of local elections at all levels.

In order to fight crime, we need to empower Police through adequate funding for personnel, equipment, technology, training and support. We need to stop attacking law enforcement and we need a heightened focus on respect for the rule of law. We need State’s Attorneys and Judges who keep criminals in jail and ask for and administer appropriate sentences. Finally, we need to revitalize our inner cities, with educational reform that focuses on the students rather than the Unions, create enterprise zones and utilize TIF districts, and we need to empower parents with educational choice and school vouchers.

If so, what is your suggestion to solve it?

First and foremost, America’s rising crime has nothing to do with our Police or policing. It is a failure of Democratic leadership. Crime is on the rise in almost every major Democrat-run city in America. In order to distract our attention from this glaring fact, the Democrats push the blame on our law enforcement and they highlight isolated instances to inflame passions and distract us from the facts.

Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the Country. However, it also has one of the highest murder rates. Gun laws gun buybacks target legal gun owners. The problem is that crime is committed by criminals who do not follow gun laws. The Democrats’ solution is to restrict gun ownership of law-abiding citizens who wish to defend themselves. Guns are not the problem. It is much deeper societal and cultural issue. There is a direct correlation between the Liberals’ attempts to kill God in our everyday lives, deprive people of economic opportunity and quality education and the rise in crime. The Democrats have made promises for 60 years that schools would improve, streets would be safer, and the economic vitality of the cities would rise. This has not happened. Instead, the true Democrat motive, dependence on government at every level, has succeeded in getting them reelected and keeping them in power.

Over the past several years, we have seen a directed campaign by Democrats to target local Attorney General, State’s Attorney, and Circuit Judge races with an eye toward electing social-activist individuals. The Democrats and their supporters have spent enormous amounts of money in these election campaigns. In order to combat this, we need to educate voters on the importance of local elections at all levels.

In order to fight crime, we need to empower Police through adequate funding for personnel, equipment, technology, training and support. We need to stop attacking law enforcement and we need a heightened focus on respect for the rule of law. We need State’s Attorneys and Judges who keep criminals in jail and ask for and administer appropriate sentences. Finally, we need to revitalize our inner cities, with educational reform that focuses on the students rather than the Unions, create enterprise zones and utilize TIF districts, and we need to empower parents with educational choice and school vouchers.

Should police officers have qualified immunity in cases involving alleged excessive force or other misconduct?

Absolutely and without question.

First and foremost, America’s rising crime has nothing to do with our Police or policing. It is a failure of Democratic leadership. Crime is on the rise in almost every major Democrat-run city in America. In order to distract our attention from this glaring fact, the Democrats push the blame on our law enforcement and they highlight isolated instances to inflame passions and distract us from the facts.

Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the Country. However, it also has one of the highest murder rates. Gun laws gun buybacks target legal gun owners. The problem is that crime is committed by criminals who do not follow gun laws. The Democrats’ solution is to restrict gun ownership of law-abiding citizens who wish to defend themselves. Guns are not the problem. It is much deeper societal and cultural issue. There is a direct correlation between the Liberals’ attempts to kill God in our everyday lives, deprive people of economic opportunity and quality education and the rise in crime. The Democrats have made promises for 60 years that schools would improve, streets would be safer, and the economic vitality of the cities would rise. This has not happened. Instead, the true Democrat motive, dependence on government at every level, has succeeded in getting them reelected and keeping them in power.

Over the past several years, we have seen a directed campaign by Democrats to target local Attorney General, State’s Attorney, and Circuit Judge races with an eye toward electing social-activist individuals. The Democrats and their supporters have spent enormous amounts of money in these election campaigns. In order to combat this, we need to educate voters on the importance of local elections at all levels.

In order to fight crime, we need to empower Police through adequate funding for personnel, equipment, technology, training and support. We need to stop attacking law enforcement and we need a heightened focus on respect for the rule of law. We need State’s Attorneys and Judges who keep criminals in jail and ask for and administer appropriate sentences. Finally, we need to revitalize our inner cities, with educational reform that focuses on the students rather than the Unions, create enterprise zones and utilize TIF districts, and we need to empower parents with educational choice and school vouchers.

Are there any limits to the Second Amendment?

The Second Amendment is clear that the right to bear arms shall not be abridged. This is a doctrine of self-defense and is unlimited.

Do you support any restrictions on gun purchases or other stricter gun control measures including citizens’ access to military style weaponry?

Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the Country. However, it also has one of the highest murder rates. Gun laws gun buybacks target legal gun owners. The problem is that crime is committed by criminals who do not follow gun laws. The Democrats’ solution is to restrict gun ownership of law-abiding citizens who wish to defend themselves. Guns are not the problem. It is much deeper societal and cultural issue. There is a direct correlation between the Liberals’ attempts to kill God in our everyday lives, deprive people of economic opportunity and quality education and the rise in crime. The Democrats have made promises for 60 years that schools would improve, streets would be safer, and the economic vitality of the cities would rise. This has not happened. Instead, the true Democrat motive, dependence on government at every level, has succeeded in getting them reelected and keeping them in power.

Over the past several years, we have seen a directed campaign by Democrats to target local Attorney General, State’s Attorney, and Circuit Judge races with an eye toward electing social-activist individuals. The Democrats and their supporters have spent enormous amounts of money in these election campaigns.

In order to combat this, we need to educate voters on the importance of local elections at all levels. In order to fight crime, we need to empower Police through adequate funding for personnel, equipment, technology, training and support. We need to stop attacking law enforcement and we need a heightened focus on respect for the rule of law. We need State’s Attorneys and Judges who keep criminals in jail and ask for and administer appropriate sentences. Finally, we need to revitalize our inner cities, with educational reform that focuses on the students rather than the Unions, create enterprise zones and utilize TIF districts, and we need to empower parents with educational choice and school vouchers.

Illinois, along with many states across the country, have legalized marijuana making it legal for people to buy and use it. Marijuana, however, is still illegal at the federal level. Do you support legalizing marijuana nationally? Why or why not?

I do not support legalizing marijuana.

Did Joe Biden win the 2020 election?

The Constitution specifically enumerates that the time, place and manner of holding elections shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof. In the 2020 election, there were changes made to state election laws across the Country by courts, Secretaries of State, Election boards all in direct contradiction to the specific language of the Constitution. Democrats argue that these were all done on an “emergency” basis. There is no exception in the Constitution to authorize changes due to an emergency. Not only was this unconstitutional, it was like changing the rules in the middle of the game.

Would you have voted to ratify his presidency?


What is your position on the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol?

The damage and destruction of both private and public property in the riots that occurred leading up to the 2020 election were every bit as egregious and unlawful as what occurred on January 6, 2021. Rioters led by anarchist and progressive groups hijacked entire neighborhoods for months. The attacks on our law enforcement were unprecedented. All persons who harm others, destroy private or public property, and terrorize the neighborhoods in our American cities should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Was it an insurrection?

Contrary to the clear implication of this question, the damage and destruction of both private and public property in the riots that occurred leading up to the 2020 election were every bit as egregious and unlawful as what occurred on January 6, 2021. Rioters led by anarchist and progressive groups hijacked entire neighborhoods for months. The attacks on our law enforcement were unprecedented. All persons who harm others, destroy private or public property, and terrorize the neighborhoods in our American cities should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should people convicted of a crime related to their participation in the riot ever be pardoned?

All persons who harm others, destroy private or public property, and terrorize the neighborhoods in our American cities should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should voters be required to show an ID to vote?

In order to preserve our most basic right in America, the right to vote, we need to guarantee free and honest elections. The Constitution specifically enumerates that the time, place and manner of holding elections shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof. In the 2020 election, there were changes made to state election laws across the Country by courts, Secretaries of State, Election boards all in direct contradiction to the specific language of the Constitution. There is no exception in the Constitution to authorize changes due to an emergency. I am in support of State voter ID requirements We cannot have free and fair elections if we cannot guarantee the identity of the person voting. If photo ID access is an issue for minority populations, then the States have an obligation to create laws to ensure access to photo IDs. We should not lessen the protections against voter fraud by accommodating inadequate state laws which deny equal access to photo IDs. 16

Would you, as a member of Congress, ever vote against certifying presidential electoral votes submitted by states’ official voting authorities?

I would vote to uphold the Constitution. The Constitution specifically enumerates that the time, place and manner of holding elections shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof. In the 2020 election, there were changes made to state election laws across the Country by courts, Secretaries of State, Election boards all in direct contradiction to the specific language of the Constitution. Democrats argue that these were all done on an “emergency” basis. There is no exception in the Constitution to authorize changes due to an emergency. Not only was this unconstitutional, it was like changing the rules in the middle of the game.