2022 Election

2022 Election Primary: Republicans Marcy Buick, Riley Oncken vie for 23rd Judicial Circuit Court

Election 2024
A joint poll of the Illinois and DeKalb County bar associations shows a sitting DeKalb County judge Marcy L. Buick (right), a Republican, is recommended by area lawyers over her Primary Election challenger, Republican Riley N. Oncken (left). The pair are facing off in the Republican contested primary race for the 23rd Judicial Circuit Court bench, and a chance to be on the November ballot. (Photo of Oncken provided by Riley Oncken, photo of Buick by Mark Busch)

A joint poll of the Illinois and DeKalb County bar associations shows a sitting DeKalb County judge Marcy L. Buick, a Republican, is recommended by area lawyers over her Primary Election challenger, Republican Riley N. Oncken.

According to the Illinois Bar Association and DeKalb County Bar Association ratings, which were published ahead of Tuesday’s primary election – where voters will will decide among contested races featuring candidates of the same political party who moves on to the November general election – lawyers either “highly recommend,” “recommend” or “not recommend” judicial candidates for the bench.

The ratings list Buick as “recommended,” while listing Oncken as “not recommended.” The bar associations interview each judicial candidate, conduct background checks and rate individuals through a system which assesses whether they meet requirements of the office and several character traits including integrity, impartiality, legal ability, temperament, court management, health and sensitivity.

Overall, 72 lawyers responded to the association’s call to assess Buick, and 56 lawyers responded for Oncken, the ratings show.

Marcy Buick, a sitting DeKalb County judge, was appointed to her role about a year ago to serve the 23rd Judicial Circuit Court, which serves DeKalb and Kendall counties. Buick was sworn on July 9, 2021 as the new 23rd Judicial Circuit Court Judge, taking over for predecessor Robbin Stuckert, the first woman judge in DeKalb County who retired as the circuit court and presiding judge.

Now, Buick seeks Stuckert’s spot on the ballot.

Buick, a lawyer born and raised in DeKalb, was appointed to the bench nearly a decade ago by Judge Kurt Klein, who retired in 2012. She received her undergraduate degree in 1986 from the University of Illinois in Urbana and her law degree in 1990 from Northern Illinois University. She was appointed associate judge on Sept. 28, 2011. Buick is also a member of the steering committee of the Family Violence Coordinating Council for Kane, Kendall and DeKalb Counties.

Buick presides daily over bond hearings and felony cases in DeKalb County court.

Oncken has lived in Sycamore since 2003 with his wife and four daughters.

Oncken announced his candidates in February. According to a news release from Oncken’s campaign, Oncken has worked as a general practice attorney in the area since 2004. He has lived in DeKalb County since he began law school at Northern Illinois University three years earlier.

In addition to private practice, Oncken served as a conflict assistant public defender for DeKalb County from 2013-2019, handling cases involving juvenile abuse and neglect, juvenile delinquency, misdemeanors and felonies. Oncken previously served as a Republican on the DeKalb County Board from 2008 to 2012 and from 2013 to 2015.

It’s not Oncken’s first time vying for the bench. He’s also put his name in the hat for a recent associate judge vacancy after the appointment of judge Philip Montgomery to the 23rd Judicial Court in March.

Voters will decide which Republican judicial candidate moves forward to the November general election on Tuesday. DeKalb County judges Philip G. Montgomery and Joseph C. Pedersen are running unopposed and also received “recommended” ratings from the bar association.