Full Name: Jeff Pripusich
What offices, if any, have you previously held? None
Occupation: Credit & Collections Manager
Education: BA (Bachelor of Arts) Illinois Benedictine College
Campaign Website: https://www.facebook.com/Jeff4Treasurer/
Candidate Photo:
What would be your top three priorities over the next four years?
1) To review the current set of investment policies with the Treasurer’s staff to ensure county revenues are being invested safely and that they are being equitably distributed to maximize returns in accordance with Illinois statutes.
2) To assess the duties and responsibilities of each staff member to confirm everyone has the tools they need to succeed as part of a cohesive team in serving Kane County tax payers. This will result in improved customer service which is of paramount importance.
3) To establish a strong and positive working relationship with the various offices and departments and to provide clear and accurate records for all funds received and distributed according to established policy and guidelines.
Taxes are a top concern raised by voters locally. What do you do within your position to address residents’ tax burden?
As Treasurer, my role is to collect property taxes and to distribute the funds to the appropriate recipients based on established needs determined by the county governing authority. I would ensure that residents are provided with clear details surrounding the tax rates and how they are derived at. I will be sure that all within the Treasurer’s office are prepared to respond to any inquiries with competent and courteous professionalism. Furthermore, any issues needing to be addressed that are out of our jurisdiction will be presented to the appropriate county department to respond. If needed, a resolution request will be presented on behalf of the resident requiring help that is not already in place.
If you could redo or reverse any one decision made by the county treasurer in the last four years, what would it be and why?
The current treasurer and former treasurer have been extremely competent in serving Kane County tax payers. As a resident of Kane County for the past 23 years, I cannot think of anything significant that I would offer as something to be redone or reversed.
What do you bring to the table that your opponents do not?
I bring 37 years of practical, corporate accounting experience. I bring a positive energy that transcends to all of my staff and resonates to my internal and external customers. And finally I do not come in with a heavy hand and designs on making significant changes starting on day one. There are dedicated and experienced personnel in the treasurer’s office that do the lion’s share of work. I will sit down with them and review the office policies and strategies that are in place. We will massage the things that are working and we will rethink and retool the things that can be improved upon. But all in the mindset of many great minds working together for the best solution to best serve Kane County residents.