
Lauzen ahead in Kane Treasurer race

Pripusich disputed Lauzen promise of $2M more interest revenue if elected

Election 2024
Chris Lauzen, candidate for Kane County Treasurer, and his wife, Sarah, attend an Election Night watch party at Riverside Pizza in St. Charles on Tuesday, Nov. 8. 2022.

Former Kane County chairman Chris Lauzen leads the race for Kane County Treasurer with 79,570 votes to Democrat Jeff Pripusich’s 72,324 votes, a difference of 7,246 votes, according to unofficial results late Tuesday.

“I wish my opponent the best,” Lauzen said. “And I thank our appointed treasurer for his 18 months of service. Most of all, I thank my wife Sarah and our small army of volunteers – more than 2,000 grassroots people – who made this opportunity possible for me.”

In an email, Prisupich wrote that he knew it would a tough race to win.

I offer my congratulations to Mr. Lauzen and hope that he lives up to his campaign promises to work with the team in the Treasurer’s office and that he does all he can to be a true public servant and to be a positive presence as Kane County Treasurer,” Prisupich wrote.

“Stepping in to the world of politics and running a race for Kane County Treasurer was almost other-worldly for me,” Prisupich wrote. “But from the very beginning when I was invited to run and saw the amazing response by so many volunteers who supported me and helped me collect signatures and donated to my campaign – just to get on the ballot as the Democratic candidate – was nothing short of remarkable. The list of folks to thank is too long but I just want everyone to know how very grateful I am for all you did to help me in this race and my life is so much richer for the many new friendships that have come from this endeavor.”

The contest for Kane County Treasurer focused on Lauzen’s claim that he would bring in $2 million more in investment interest income.

Tuesday night, Lauzen said he would make good on that promise.

“I already started the process of improving the accuracy of the budget forecast by asking the board to increase the interest income in its budget projections,” Lauzen said. “The nice thing is in a year from now – because it’s mathematical – people will be able to evaluate based on results ... whether I produced for the constituents.”

Pripusich had said he did not believe Lauzen’s promise, and the county’s finance director Joe Onzick also disputed that it was possible, as much of the county’s investments are locked in and not available for reinvestment.

Lauzen had made the promise at a League of Women Voters candidate forum Sept. 28, but did not offer any details then. Lauzen later stated he would release an eight-point plan the last week of October.

The plan was a list that included: identify major problems, consistently tell the whole truth clearly, time is of the essence and open the books safely and broadly ask for expert help.

Pripusich challenged that Lauzen could increase revenue by $2 million, stating that the former chairman could not predict the future nor make guarantees on investment returns.

In his campaign, Lauzen also touted his experience and expertise, with 20 years in the Illinois Senate and eight years as chairman, being a certified public accountant and having an MBA from Harvard University.

Pripusich said he has 37 years of experience in private sector corporate accounting with a focus on accounts receivable.

The Kane County Chronicle will be updating all election returns throughout the night. Check back frequently for updates.