
Gabriel Kaven, City of Geneva, Ward 4 election questionnaire

Election 2024

Full Name: Gabriel Kaven

What office are you seeking? 4th Ward Alderman, Geneva

What is your political party? Non-Partisan Public Service

What is your current age? 46

Occupation and Employer: Business Intelligence and Analytics Manager for a global security and communications company

What offices, if any, have you previously held? 4th Ward Alderman, City of Geneva

Pepper Valley Board of Governors-Treasurer

City: Geneva

Campaign Website: Facebook: @Kaven4Geneva4thward

Education: Bachelor of Science, Economics, Minnesota State University

Masters Degree, Human Resources Management, Keller Graduate School of Manager

Community involvement: Currently 4th Ward alderman in the city of Geneva. Support many local groups, charities, and organizations.

Marital status/Immediate family: I am married with two children.

Why are you running for office?

Anyone running for local office needs to be open minded, willing to listen and act in the best interests of their neighbors. I believe that I have demonstrated this the past four years. I think that it’s important to give back to your community, and my family and I are heavily invested in the community that we love.

What makes you qualified for the office you’re seeking?

My past experience, education, community involvement and a willingness to listen. The past four years have dealt everyone some extreme challenges. This is no different at the municipal level.. There were a lot of decisions budgetary and otherwise that needed to be made in the past four years and the city staff along with council members did a good job of navigating.

What is your position on the Illinois weapons ban that took effect in January 2023?

These decisions get made by politicians on a state and federal level. City council is non-partisan public service. A city council member is responsible to help the city run efficiently, providing services residents expect, within budget and represent your neighbors.

Is crime a problem in your community and, if so, what would you do to curb it?

The Geneva Police Department does a fantastic job of working with our residents and businesses to keep Geneva a low crime and protected community.

What is your assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled locally?

Covid was a tremendously difficult situation for people around the globe. Locally, I think we did everything we could to keep residents and businesses safe. Sidewalk cafes, additional outdoor seating and virtual events/meetings all contributed to trying to make the best of an awful situation.

What did you learn from the pandemic?

Each situation, person and family had their own unique challenges. Coming together as a community as we continue to move forward and evolve is crucial.

How would you spur economic development in your community?

I think that being open minded and willing to listen to different options that are presented to the city is important. With the continued development of the southeast industrial area, we are going to have and options and need to be willing to listen.

Would/can/should local governments do anything to help reduce the tax burden on residents?

Continue help drive commercial development and making sure that we continue to attract visitors to increase our sales tax revenue.

Do you support recreational marijuana being sold in your community to help lower residents’ tax burden?

This ordinance is already approved in the city of Geneva.

What projects or infrastructure would you look to address in your community and how would you do it?

There are several infrastructure projects that we are addressing currently. The city is working to replace lead water lines. We are also continuing to move forward with infrastructure needs for the southeast industrial area which will provide additional tax revenue as well as additional jobs to our community.

Will you accept the voters’ decision in your race on Election Day?


What is your position on open, transparent government?

Government should always be open and transparent. Residents need to be able to trust their local representation.

Do you support the Freedom of Information Act and citizens’ ability to freely access government records?


Would you sign a nondisclosure agreement with a prospective company that would limit your ability to communicate with your community?
