
Timothy Hying, McHenry High School District 156 School Board election questionnaire

Election 2024
McHenry High School District 156 candidate Timothy Hying

Full Name: Tim Hying

What office are you seeking? School District 156 School Board Member

What is your political party? Republican

What is your current age? 57

Occupation and Employer: Retired

What offices, if any, have you previously held? District 156 School Board Member for the last 10 years. While on the School Board have held the offices of Vice President and Secretary

City: McHenry

Campaign Website: NA

Education: BS in Math Education from University of Wisconsin LaCrosse

MBA from Northern Illinois University

Community involvement: Senior Care Volunteer Network - Volunteer

St. Vincent De Paul McHenry Chapter - Volunteer

SEDOM - Committee Member

Marital status/Immediate family: Spouse - Kathryn

4 children

Why are you running for office?

I’m running for School Board Member of School District 156 to continue the work that has been established over the last 10 years. The High School District in McHenry has developed a vision to become one of the most competitive and comprehensive high school districts in the area and state and I believe we are making great advances in securing this vision. I’m running for re-election to ensure this work continues.

What makes you qualified for the office you’re seeking?

I have been on the District 156 School Board for the past 10 years. During this time I’ve held the office of Vice-President and most recently Secretary. Prior to retiring, I spent 25 years with Abbott. My undergraduate degree is in Math Education and I also obtained my MBA. Because of my diverse experience in both the education field and in corporate America, I feel I have the skills and experiences required to be on the board. To me it is absolutely critical to have a broad range of experiences on any school board. With my background in education and my work experience, I feel I can truly balance the needs of all the constituents in District 156. . This includes the students, teachers, administration, and the taxpayer.

Have you sought and/or received any training to run for your local school board? If so, from whom?

My work experience in Human Resources has prepared me well for the challenges and the decisions required of a school board member.

Would you propose any changes to the curriculum? If so, what?

Ultimately, I feel the administrators and staff of McHenry High School have done a great job of expanding the curriculum. We’ve created pathways to support the growing fields of engineering, computer science, biomedical science, robotics, healthcare, education, manufacturing, and building trades. While this has been very successful, we always need to ensure that curriculum is aligned with the needs of tomorrow.

Are LGBTQ students treated fairly in your district?

I do feel LGBTQ students and all students are treated fairly in our district. As part of our improvements to our infrastructure we constructed a new College and Career Resources Center staffed with our counselors to ensure all students have access to counselors for all of their needs.

What is your assessment of how Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is handled in your school district?

We’ve instituted several diversity, equity, and inclusion committees throughout the school to ensure these important topics are discussed and programs are implemented to ensure equal treatment for all students. These committees are made up of teachers, administrators, board members, and parents to ensure all parties are being heard from and all points of view are considered.

Do you believe the district needs to make any changes to improve DEI in your district?

While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are important topics in any school or business, I do believe the high school is taking the appropriate steps to ensure an inclusionary environment for all students.

Are teachers in your district paid adequately now and in retirement?

We have a very good relationship with our teachers and we have a strong retention rate of our teachers, so yes, I do feel that both pay and the environment in which they work is strong.

Would you support changes to teacher pay scales? If so, how?

Pay scales for teachers are governed by union contracts and the contracts are always negotiated between the board and educators. If a new or different pay scale is recommended in the future and is a positive move for both the school and educators then yes, I would be supportive.

What is your assessment of the district superintendent’s compensation?

When you consider the many responsibilities (personnel, budget, educational attainment, facilities management, community advocate, parent liaison, etc.) of the superintendent, yes, I do believe the compensation of the superintendent is appropriate.

Would you make any changes to how the district superintendent is compensated?


Do you support the current superintendent? Please explain.

Absolutely. Our current superintendent has allowed us to make vast changes over the last years. We have transitioned from two separate campuses to one. We have constructed the award winning Center for Science Technology and Industry. We have renovated several of our athletic facilities and our fine arts facilities (McCracken Field, our pool, new tennis courts, renovation of Upper Campus auditorium, etc.). We have modernized curricular offerings featuring a wide range of high-skill, high-need professional careers. We have expanded community partnerships and engagement (Northwestern Hospital, INCubatoredu business offerings, etc.). All of this has been done under his leadership.

Should schools in your district adopt and teach sex education according to the National Sex Education Standards? Please explain.

This is a decision that should be handled locally and not a decision that should be made at the state or federal level.

What is your assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled locally?

I think it was handled properly and in a timely manner. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, mandates were changing almost daily. However, the needs and safety of our students was always put first, and that is the manner in which it should have been handled.

What did you learn from the pandemic?

The pandemic allowed us to become more creative on how best to educate students if they could not be physically in the building. It has allowed us to come up with techniques and methods to ensure learning continues in case of a future shutdown either long-term or short-term.

Are voters that support your district taxed at an appropriate level?

The issue here is not about taxing people at the appropriate level, it is about funding schools almost solely through property taxes.

Would you support any plans to raise taxes in the district? If so, what should the additional revenue be spent on?

The only tax increase we should see in the near future is the increases needed to off-set the increased cost of goods and services.

Would you support lowering taxes in the district? If so, what programs or services in the district would you cut?

If lowering taxes can be achieved without harming the students safety or educational offerings, then yes I could be supportive of lowering taxes.

Will you accept the voters’ decision in your race on Election Day?

Yes, of course.

What is your position on open, transparent government?

An open and transparent government is absolutely necessary, specifically at a local level. In some cases, there may be issues that cannot and should not be open (personnel issues, etc.), but in general, yes it should be open and transparent.

Do you support the Freedom of Information Act and citizens’ ability to freely access government records?
