
Michael Warick, Village of Campton Hills Trustee election questionnaire

Election 2024

Full Name: Michael Warick

What office are you seeking? Trustee

What is your political party? N/A for this position

What is your current age? 52

Occupation and Employer: Managing director Audit Services, Northern Trust

What offices, if any, have you previously held? N/A

City: Campton Hills

Education: BBA public accounting; registered CPA.

Community involvement: Habitat for humanity

Field of Dreams horse rescue

Marital status/Immediate family: Married; 2 children

Why are you running for office?

I am running to effect positive change and to instill an independent and objective viewpoint. My goal is to keep Campton Hills a vibrant semi-rural community.

What makes you qualified for the office you’re seeking?

I have extensive experience on private boards and as an independent auditor understand and appreciate how governing boards should operate. I am an expert in internal controls and qualified to question, form an opinion and highlight operational inefficiencies.

What is your position on the Illinois weapons ban that took effect in January 2023?

It is an unnecessary ban and an overreach by a government agency.

Is crime a problem in your community and, if so, what would you do to curb it?

Crime is not an issue in my community, but if it was community outreach and education as well as a strong police force is required to curb the problem.

What is your assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled locally?

I am not close to this and do not know enough to form an opinion.

What did you learn from the pandemic?

It is a complicated issue and that public safety should be of the utmost importance.

How would you spur economic development in your community?

-Strength existing community programs

-Identify areas of weakness and work with local residents to brainstorm solutions

- Access governmental programs, where appropriate, to access new sources of revenue

-Promote a positive community culture where resident voices are heard

Would/can/should local governments do anything to help reduce the tax burden on residents?

All public officials should be focused on reducing taxes and eliminating waist. As an independent auditor, I see inefficiencies frequently. I believe there is alway room to improve.

Do you support recreational marijuana being sold in your community to help lower residents’ tax burden?

No, I do not support this as a revenue source.

What projects or infrastructure would you look to address in your community and how would you do it?

I would like to focus on securing the town current way of life and then branch off into enhancing our open space so that it is accessible to all members of the community.

Will you accept the voters’ decision in your race on Election Day?

Of course.

What is your position on open, transparent government?

I am only a representative of the people. I believe in open and transparent communication.

Do you support the Freedom of Information Act and citizens’ ability to freely access government records?

Of course. Yes.

Would you sign a nondisclosure agreement with a prospective company that would limit your ability to communicate with your community?
