
Jason Kapus, Oswego Village Trustee election questionnaire

Election 2024
Oswego Village Trustee election candidate Jason Kapus

Full Name: Jason Kapus

What office are you seeking? Oswego Village Trustee

What is your political party? Republican

What is your current age? 48

Occupation and Employer: Journeyman License Plumber, Self Employed

What offices, if any, have you previously held? A proud member and Board of Directors for the Oswego Chamber of Commerce. Then through appointment, I serve the Village of Oswego and its citizens as their Planning and Zoning Commissioner on the advisory board.

City: Oswego, Illinois

Education: A.A.S. degree in Culinary Arts. A four-year degree and education with IDPH, Plumbing, and Water quality program; with a State of Illinois Plumbers License.

Community involvement: Our family-owned plumbing company involves itself in volunteering by giving back to the community. Every year all the scrap material from homes we have serviced is isolated and broken down. Then segregated and recycled for monetary value. 100% of the collected scrap from neighborhood home/business owners is then donated to a needy cause. SD308 East View Academy, a therapeutic day school has been the recipient of these collections of the past years for their “cares closet”. Other Items such as lightly used clothing are also provided. We have also donated to our local non for profit 311 Project with goods and plumbing services, and to the Kendall County Food Pantry.

Marital status/Immediate family: Married and we have three children.

Why are you running for office?

I am a diligent, hardworking individual who is seeking your support from like-minded Oswego residents. To be deeply involved in the many dynamic changes that are evolving around us with respect to the betterment of our growing community and lowering and or removing tax burdens. I bring aptitude, strength, and experience with a no-nonsense approach that will benefit the taxpayer directly. Work within village budgets and take a devotional stance to village timelines and collectively attain the goals set by the village board to achieve what is in the best interest of our community.

What makes you qualified for the office you’re seeking?

I have served my community as a fellow member and board of directors with the Oswego Chamber of Commerce. Helped with the efforts in planning and developing ideas that benefit a business-to-business networking and small business supportive environment even though times of the pandemic. I was then appointed to the advisory board for the planning and zoning commission for the Village of Oswego.

What is your position on the Illinois weapons ban that took effect in January 2023?

It is unconstitutional. The language mirrors itself and is in unison with very clear language with respect to the Federal and State of Illinois Constitution. It will be decided by the upper judicial districts and then ultimately the federal supreme court.

Is crime a problem in your community and, if so, what would you do to curb it?

Define crime today with the Governor’s office and the Illinois State Attorney office’s reckless approach to the new legislation on a catch-and-release program, known as the SAFE-T-Act. Which has since been overruled by 64 Illinois counties. No. If it was? I would support the current Oswego Board and the Village President to put an immediate stance for, Law and Order. First, through the Kendall County States Attorney’s Office, then further supported through the request of the Sheriff’s Office, who are elected deputies of the state and protect and serve our county. Then reinforced the same support through our local law enforcement, Oswego Police Department to further enforce the laws with mandatory sentencing, back to the district attorney’s office.

What is your assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled locally?

As best as the Federal executive and legislative branches could pass down to the public with information and origin. It shocked us all at first, especially with some conflicting information passed down from the CDC and then authored by several media outlets who were the deliver much-needed information the public waited for. Though as a witness to the Village President’s stance. The safety of the community came first. Clinics and support volunteers came forward and grocers and local multi-faceted businesses came together in unison. Programs through the Village were provided, and loans were offered much before the rollout of Covid Federal relief programs became available.

What did you learn from the pandemic?

That it takes a supportive community and a village. When we all come together with great ideas to overcome what may seem impossible. Nothing then becomes impossible to achieve.

How would you spur economic development in your community?

Through the liaison of an economic community developer, to report to the Village President and Board Trustees on actively seeking out new businesses and continue being business-friendly as Oswego is. Continue offering programs in place today for our community as it is vital for our village’s needs, operating structure, and our community’s needs.

Would/can/should local governments do anything to help reduce the tax burden on residents?

Would? Yes! Can? You bet! Should? – the only thing that should stay out of community burdens is government. Government should through means of attraction, drive the need for more business development. Seek concessions that benefit the taxpayer through improvements in new developments, rather than reducing impact fees and giving taxpayers’ money away. The village tax bracket is not the problem. In fact, the village tax has been reduced year after year. Look to your county and the current school board on a tax structure that burdens us all.

Do you support recreational marijuana being sold in your community to help lower residents’ tax burden?

This came to a vote on the ballot and the people of Illinois voted overwhelmingly for it. It was then enacted as a new law, signed, and passed by the current Governor who later issued licenses through a lottery pool for such businesses to operate as a business. So, yes.

What projects or infrastructure would you look to address in your community and how would you do it?

Our Lake Michigan and Wolf Crossing expansion project. By assisting the Village President and fellow Board of Trustees with the knowledge and experience in my profession. To be able to safely deliver potable drinking water. I will stand firm on both, fiscal and monetary responsibility as to the funding of these projects, in a further effort to greatly lessen the financial impact on our residences. With a firm NO. In reducing impact fees to developers or taxing the resident to cover the overall costs.

Will you accept the voters’ decision in your race on Election Day?

Absolutely! It is the will of the people to elect their government.

What is your position on open, transparent government?

Incredibly open and transparent. Government works for the people. Not the other way around, The people elect their candidates, for its election. We seem to have lost the true idea of this for decades now while allowing lobbyists and corporations to seek concessions and create more of an impact to drive a need for something they want. Through means of false narratives and supporting those narratives with the half-truth, to out-of-touch voters that become ill-informed on the issues. To gain more of what they want, and less for the public.

Do you support the Freedom of Information Act and citizens’ ability to freely access government records?


Would you sign a nondisclosure agreement with a prospective company that would limit your ability to communicate with your community?

Why? Where is transparency in this question that you are asking? Communication with the public is vital and the law. With respect to all community and village matters. Some matters do require a closed Board discussion before it is brought back into the public so that all matters are addressed without any ambiguity on the related topic for further discussion or vote.