Full Name: Missey Moorman Schumacher
What office are you seeking? Channahon Village President
What is your political party? Non-partisan
What is your current age? 57
Occupation and Employer: Accounting Administrator - Will County Treasurer
What offices, if any, have you previously held? I am running for a third term as Channahon Village President. I was first elected to this position in 2015. Previous to that I was elected to Channahon Village Board of Trustees in 2013. Additionally, I was appointed to fill an unexpired term as Channahon Village Clerk in 2008 and successfully ran for that position in 2 subsequent elections.
City: Channahon
Campaign Website: Facebook page: Mayor Missey-Channahon Around Town
Education: I hold a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Psychology from the University of St. Francis.
Community involvement: I work in numerous volunteer capacities and support a number of causes. I take community involvement and commitment very seriously. It is our responsibility and privilege to improve our communities. I currently sit on boards for multiple organizations. I previously served as a volunteer firefighter/EMT for Channahon Fire Protection District. Along with Pink Heals Joliet, I started the annual Mother’s Day Walk in Channahon. We will hold our 9th annual walk this spring. I was a member of Channahon Lions Club and their various charitable activities for several years. I also participate in the Annual I & M Canal Clean up Day, Habitat for Humanity home building, Will County Children’s Advocacy, D’Arcy’s Route 66 Classic race for charity, People for Channahon Parks fundraiser, Big Brothers/Big Sisters fundraisers, and enjoy freely giving my time and efforts to worthy causes.
Marital status/Immediate family: I have been together with my significant other/boyfriend for 8 years. I have 3 grown sons, an Air Force veteran, a union tradesman, and a college student. I also have 2 granddaughters who are the light of my life.
Why are you running for office?
I am running for office because I feel an enormous responsibility to my community. We have made incredible strides through the course of my first 2 terms in office. We have consistently lowered the Village of Channahon portion of the tax rate year after year, for a more than 15% reduction over the past 8 years. While lowering the tax rate, we have increased services, diversified the tax base, controlled spending, brought thoughtful, controlled growth, and improved our financial health. I want to continue the Village’s positive momentum, protect the investment resident and businesses have made in my community, and see through the various projects initiated under my consistent leadership.
What makes you qualified for the office you’re seeking?
I have proven my leadership ability over the course of my first two terms as Village President, and have become a proven, respected local and regional leader. I have proven to consistently act with integrity in consideration of the best interest of my community.
What is your position on the Illinois weapons ban that took effect in January 2023?
This is a very complex issue without a singular answer, that spans many facets including Constitutional rights, the rights of individuals, public safety, the causes of societal violence, socioeconomic opportunity, the stigma still associated with mental health treatment, and all points in between. Any proposed legislation, regardless of topic, should carefully consider all associated aspects.
Is crime a problem in your community and, if so, what would you do to curb it?
Fortunately, Channahon residents enjoy a generally safe community, based in no small part on their commitment and support of local law enforcement, a value that I wholeheartedly share. I have consistently supported training and education opportunities for law enforcement officers with the belief that the better trained they are in all aspects of their duties, the more safely and effectively they can do their jobs and support our community.
What is your assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled locally?
We were all faced with a constantly evolving situation. Our main goal was to continue to provide services, especially police protection and Public Works services to the residents and businesses of our community while keeping our employees and the public as safe as possible. Our successful approach included flexibility and continual reevaluation of the situation.
What did you learn from the pandemic?
I learned that our employees are committed to this community and the residents and businesses that call it home. I am extremely proud of the team we have assembled at Village of Channahon.
How would you spur economic development in your community?
We’ve done just that. Over the course of my first two terms, we have fostered a climate of economic prosperity that has resulted in significant positive outcomes. Our revenues and property values continue to increase as a result of our actions. The policies put into place over the past 8 years are ensuring future success and viability for the Village of Channahon.
Would/can/should local governments do anything to help reduce the tax burden on residents?
We have lowered the Village of Channahon tax rate more than 15% during my tenure. Thoughtful growth and development, along with tax base diversification has eased the tax burden on residents. This is a cornerstone of my administration and will continue to be a main focus moving forward.
Do you support recreational marijuana being sold in your community to help lower residents’ tax burden?
The decision on recreational marijuana was made by the State of Illinois, who also determines how that tax money is distributed to communities. In early 2020, the Channahon Village Board established requirements to control and regulate adult-use cannabis facilities as defined by the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. To date, no cannabis business establishments are located within the Village of Channahon.
What projects or infrastructure would you look to address in your community and how would you do it?
Roadway infrastructure is a constant consideration. Rt. 6 is a main artery through my community. I have successfully partnered with IDOT, Will County, and the City of Joliet to begin engineering for the widening of Rt. 6. I’ve taken part in both Will and Grundy Counties mobility studies, and chair “Communities for Responsible and Efficient Waterways (CREW) which seeks to maximize economic development of waterways in the region in order to minimize truck traffic.
Ensuring clean, safe drinking water is also a major consideration. To that end we have partnered with 5 other communities to bring Lake Michigan water to our communities, providing a quality, reliable water source for current and future generations.
We are currently in the process of developing our second waste water treatment plant to accommodate future growth.
We also continue to invest in and expand our recreational trail system.
Will you accept the voters’ decision in your race on Election Day?
Of the people, by the people, for the people. Voting matters!
What is your position on open, transparent government?
Government that is run with truth and integrity need not hide. Transparency is key to good government and I insist on it.
Do you support the Freedom of Information Act and citizens’ ability to freely access government records?
Of course, I do.
Would you sign a nondisclosure agreement with a prospective company that would limit your ability to communicate with your community?
Meetings are public and all information at those meetings is available to the public for consideration and feedback. I encourage all residents to be engaged and involved in their communities. Our processes promote transparency, eliminating any perceived benefit by a prospective company in securing a nondisclosure agreement. Again, a cornerstone of my administration is integrity and transparency in leadership.