
Katherine Lee Wickens, Plano City Council, Ward 3 candidate questionnaire

Election 2024

Full Name: Katherine Lee Wickens

What office are you seeking? Third Ward Alderman

What is your political party? I vote for the individual, not the political party

What is your current age? 71

Occupation and Employer: I retired from Kane County four years ago as a Senior Adult Probation Officer. I was employed in Kane for 30 years.

What offices, if any, have you previously held? I have never run nor have I held any political offices.

City: I am running for alderman in Plano

Education: I graduated from Yorkville High School in 1969. I then attended Waubonsee Community College and received an Associate Degree in Arts. My credits were transferred to Illinois State University where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1974.

Community involvement: I am a member in good standing with the American Legion Auxiliary. I have recently been accepted as a Daughter of the American Revolution.

Marital status/Immediate family: Single

Why are you running for office? I am running for office because I am very dedicated and want to improve and implement services and programs for Plano citizens. During my professional tenure, I learned how to listen without judgment.

What makes you qualified for the office you’re seeking? I am qualified because of my professional experience with different walks of life.

What is your position on the Illinois weapons ban that took effect in January 2023? I don’t believe assault weapons should be given to private citizens. I do believe that citizens should be given the opportunity to have firearms for protection as well as recreation.

Is crime a problem in your community and, if so, what would you do to curb it? A few years ago, my house was robbed. Things were stolen that were very previous to me that will never be returned. My two little dogs were home at the time and were terrorized by the experience. To answer the question, yes there is crime in Plano. If there is a committee within the council that studies or has meetings with the Plano Police I would be very happy to be included.

What is your assessment of how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled locally? The pandemic was hard on everyone for many reasons. I do not know of any problems locally with the handling of pandemic issues.

What did you learn from the pandemic? Families were divided. Some got vaccinated, some did not. The governor made decisions that were very unpopular. I hope we never have to go through that again.

How would you spur economic development in your community? Lower the taxes on businesses to encourage them to want to come to Plano.

Would/can/should local governments do anything to help reduce the tax burden on residents? Reduce the tax burden on seniors.

Do you support recreational marijuana being sold in your community to help lower residents’ tax burden? I am unable to answer this question as do not have enough information about this subject.

What projects or infrastructure would you look to address in your community and how would you do it? 1. I would address the lack of senior services by encouraging the City Council to provide funding; contact Senior Services in Yorkville, and go to seniors and get ideas as to what they want to do. 2. I was told by a citizen who lives across from Centennial School that there is speeding and children are in danger. I would go to the Streets Department and ask if they could put speed bumps in front of the school. 3. I also heard from a citizen the city needs to enforce the issue of not letting people park in the street in a heavy snow. I do not know who I would address this problem. There were other concerns as well.

Will you accept the voters’ decision in your race on Election Day? Absolutely.

What is your position on open, transparent government? I totally believe in transparent government.

Do you support the Freedom of Information Act and citizens’ ability to freely access government records? All government aspects should be transparent.

Would you sign a nondisclosure agreement with a prospective company that would limit your ability to communicate with your community? No. Open communication is key to good government.