
Election 2024 Questionnaire: Chris Bishop, 37th State Senate District

Election 2024
Dixon City Council member Chris Bishop talks about his qualifications during a candidate forum Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024, for the 37th Senate District in Illinois.

Chris Bishop, candidate for the 37th State Senate, answered these questions from the Shaw Local News Network ahead of the March primary.

Full Name: Chris Bishop

What office are you seeking? Illinois State Senate – 37th District

What public offices, if any, have you previously held? 2 terms on Dixon City Council

City: Dixon, IL

Occupation: Grain Marketing Representative for AgPerspective, Inc.

Campaign website: www.citizensforchrisbishop.com

Considering the increasing influx of migrants to Illinois, how do you propose the state should address the challenges?

Legal immigrants should be helped to adapt to American society through approved channels, and the State of Illinois should play a role in that process. The Illinois State Senate should look to the federal government to uphold and enforce the laws that are in place regarding illegal immigrants.

What are the top issues facing your district and what would you like to do to address those issues?

Law enforcement and judicial guidelines – The Safe-T Act has blurred the line of enforceable law. It is important to correct that, so this vital system has a clear direction.

Education – Our schools are inundated with unfunded mandates. If the state is going to mandate schools to comply with more and more mandates, then the state needs to fund the schools appropriately.

If there was one bill that you could get through the legislature next year, what would it be?

I would create a system to require Voter ID, whether it’s in-person or virtually, before receiving a ballot.

If there was one recently passed law you could repeal, what would it be?

The Safe-T Act

Do you support term limits? If yes, why and what would they look like? And if no, why not?

Yes, I support term limits because they bring a new perspective and new ideas to the way we govern and stop long-lasting feuds between individuals. 2-3 terms per office seems reasonable. It may differ depending on the office.

Taxes are a top concern of Illinois voters. What do you think the underlying issues are and how would you propose addressing them?

The budget is the biggest problem. We are spending more than what we have. Our deficit for the upcoming budget season is projected to be over $700 million. Until we fix the spending problem in Illinois, our elevated taxes will continue.

What are three things the state legislature could do to promote better fiscal responsibility within state government?

1. Find inefficiencies and work together to correct them.

2. Prioritize items in the budget, focusing on necessities before wants.

3. Bring all sides to the table to discuss and plan pension solutions.

Do you support the Illinois gun ban? Why or why not? Please be specific.

No. Refer to the 2nd Amendment.

What is your opinion of the role of tax incentives in economic development and business growth? Should tax incentives be offered to corporations to entice them to plant roots in local communities? Why or why not?

I think it’s appropriate to offer tax incentives in conjunction with performance and job creation standards for the business or corporation.

How would you classify the state of public health in your district? Do you believe access to affordable healthcare is an issue? Why or why not? If you believe it’s an issue, what ideas do you have to remedy it?

Small, local hospitals and clinics are having a difficult time keeping up with larger health facilities and retaining healthcare workers/doctors. I think we need to talk to local hospitals officials and organizations they belong to, to identify and address their needs.