
2024 Election Questionnaire: Bill Foster, U.S. Congress, 11th District

Election 2024
Bill Foster

Full name:

Bill Foster

What office are you seeking?

U.S. Congress, 11th District of Illinois

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Congressman, U.S. Congress

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

U.S. Representative, 14th District of Illinois (2008-2011) U.S. Representative, 11th District of Illinois (2013-current)



Campaign website:



University of Wisconsin–Madison (Bachelor of Science), Harvard University (Ph.D.)

Community involvement:

Naperville Township Democrats, Kane County Democratic Women, Aurora Chamber of Commerce, Woodstock Area Chamber of Commerce, Batavia Chamber of Commerce, Huntley Area Chamber of Commerce, St. Charles Chamber of Commerce, Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce, Lisle Area Chamber of Commerce, Naperville Chamber of Commerce

Marital status/immediate family:

Yes, I am married to my wife Aesook Byon. I have two children.

Why are you running for office?

The American people are facing many challenges right now, from the continuing recovery of our economy, to gun violence, to the right-wing assault on reproductive freedom, to the challenges posed by advances in AI and the need to better protect our climate for future generations. To tackle these issues, we need leaders who lead with science and a deep understanding of the policies that are debated in Washington.

My background as a scientist at Fermilab and the founder of a high-tech manufacturing business gives me an important perspective on how to deal with the challenges facing our nation. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and I understand the challenges many of those business owners face, especially as their costs rise with inflation and they face increased global competition. From my science background, I also understand the key importance of federally funded research and development; we can only make progress against challenges like climate change and cancer if the federal government helps develop the technologies to conquer them.

Will you publicly condemn political violence and support a peaceful transition of power regardless of who wins the 2024 presidential election?

Yes. Respecting the outcome of a free and fair election is foundational to our democratic system.

How would you vote on a national abortion ban bill and why?

I will vote against any attempt to pass a national abortion ban that would override states like Illinois that have codified reproductive rights, including being able to access safe abortion care. I am a co-sponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would restore the protections of Roe v. Wade that were stripped away by the former President Donald Trump-packed Supreme Court.

Should Congress act to ensure fertility treatments, like IVF, remain available in the future? Do you believe those treatments are under threat?

Yes, I support legislation to protect access to IVF and other fertility treatments. Extreme politicians across the country are working hard to restrict reproductive health care, including fertility care, and I will continue to stand against these attempts.

What programs are you in favor of that could make home-buying more affordable for first-time homebuyers?

First and foremost, we need to increase the supply of affordable homes in our country. When too many families are competing for too few units, high prices are inevitable. I’ve been proud to support programs like the Home Investment Partnerships, which fund the construction of affordable housing units as well as renovate unsafe units to make them livable again. I’ve also been proud to secure federal funding to build affordable housing right here in the 11th District, like $1.25 million for the Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity and $3 million for the Joliet Housing Authority. Finally, as a member of the Financial Services Committee, I remain focused on ensuring all Americans have fair access to affordable mortgages that will allow them to purchase the right house for their family.

Many local communities have or are considering “public camping” ordinances to prevent homeless encampments. What steps would you take to ensure everyone has access to shelter?

It’s unacceptable that in the U.S., one of the wealthiest countries on Earth, many of our neighbors are left without stable housing. In addition to supporting the construction of affordable housing in Illinois and around the country, I’ve been a strong supporter of increasing funding for our nation’s safety-net housing programs, like Housing Choice Vouchers and Homelessness Assistance Grants. I am proud that I was able to secure $3 million in federal funding for Hesed House right here in the Illinois 11th District. I’ve also supported increased access to Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing; at the very least, after an American risks life and limb to preserve our country’s freedom, they deserve safe and stable housing when they come home.

What can be done legislatively to reduce gun violence/prevent school shootings? Is it addressing mental health, gun control, arming teachers, increased school security?

I support a federal ban on military-style assault weapons like AR-15′s. They are weapons designed for war zones and have no place in our communities. I co-sponsored the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, which would establish universal background checks – the absolute minimum we should be doing to keep dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands. Finally, I co-sponsor the Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act, which finishes the job started by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and closes the “boyfriend loophole,” assuring no domestic abusers can legally purchase a lethal weapon. I also support “red flag laws” to allow courts to remove guns from dangerous individuals, closing the “Charleston loophole” affecting background checks, and requiring secure storage of firearms in homes with children.

Congressional positions allow a certain amount of money earmarked to local projects. What local projects would you support?

I am proud of the work my office has done over the past few years to help secure federal funding for the 11th District through the Community Project Funding program. Since the program began in 2021, I’ve worked to secure over $68 million for projects in the 11th District, including infrastructure improvements, public safety investments, and funding to bolster educational opportunities and workforce training, just to name a few.

What should be done legislatively to secure the southern border?

Our immigration system is broken, and Congress needs to pass comprehensive immigration reform. We had an opportunity to do this back in 2013, but then-Speaker John Boehner refused to allow a vote on a bipartisan bill that passed the Senate and would have passed in the House if brought up. That 2013 bill provided tens of billions of dollars for border security, a strict but fair pathway to citizenship for longtime undocumented residents who were able to pay a modest fine, pay back taxes and pass a criminal background check; and going forward it provided workable adjustments to immigration quotas and strong enforcement of e-verify and to ensure that we return to a just and humane immigration system based on the rule of law. It’s been disheartening to see far-right Republicans, including Donald Trump, call for Congress to do nothing because they’d rather score political points. I hope that serious Republicans will reject this cynicism and work with Democrats to finally get this done.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have an ownership stake received a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?


Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a crime?


What is your position on open, transparent government?

Last Congress under our Democratic majority, I co-sponsored H.R. 1 to bolster transparency and accountability in our government. H.R. 1 would eliminate partisan gerrymandering and set new campaign finance standards to help lessen the influence of dark money in our politics. It would address ethics in all three branches of government, including by requiring a code of conduct for Supreme Court justices, prohibiting members of the House from serving on the boards of for-profit entities, and establishing additional conflict-of-interest and ethics provisions for federal employees and the White House.