
2024 Election Questionnaire: James (Jim) Marter, U.S. Representative, 14th District

Election 2024
James (Jim) Marter

Full Name:

James (Jim) Marter

What office are you seeking?

Representative in U.S. Congress, 14th District of Illinois

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and Employer:

IT Software Consultant / Self

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

2024 Presidential Delegate, Donald J. Trump, 14th Congressional District

Current Oswego Library District Board Trustee (2021-2025)



Campaign Website:



Limestone Community High School graduate.

1984 graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science in industrial management and a minor in computer science.

1995 CPIM Professional certification, certified in production and inventory management from the American Production and Inventory Control Society.

Community Involvement:

  • Co-founded and coached the competitive Lake Camelot Swim Team in Mapleton, Illinois, which is still thriving to this day
  • Served on his church’s education commission
  • Coached Boys and Girls Grade School Basketball for five years at OLGC Aurora.
  • Spent 15 years as a Scout Leader for Troop 63 in Oswego, American Legion Post 675 (sponsor)
  • 22 years as a successful business owner and entrepreneur

Marital Status/Immediate Family:

I have been married to Jill for 39 years. We have four adult children and four grandchildren.

Why are you running for office?

I love America and our freedoms. We need to defend and preserve them for future generations. Much of what our government does stands in the way of a prosperous and free future. In Congress, I will fight for your God-given rights and be relentless at cutting the size and scope of the federal government. With the right policies and unwavering commitment, we can unleash the economy, secure our nation and advance the American Dream. I will leverage my 35 years of business, industrial and manufacturing experience, including dealing with state, federal and international regulations, as well as many decades of my service to local youth organizations and nine years of political leadership experience to navigate the effects of good and bad public policies. I’m in the race for the same reasons that matter to you, to protect live, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These are the foundation of our American principles! I will defend our values, to save America and the America Dream.

Will you publicly condemn political violence and support a peaceful transition of power regardless of who wins the 2024 presidential election?

I’m not sure why this is a question? Have we ever not had a peaceful transition of power? Only one person was shot on Jan. 6, 2020, that was an unarmed person who was killed by the Capitol Police.

Yet, from Portland, to Kenosha to the east coast, riots with multiple murders occurred during the summer of 2020, with no arrest, even of murderers from ANTIFA and BLM groups.

How would you vote on a national abortion ban bill? And why?

Lauren Underwood, a defender a abortion rights, is for a federal law codifying abortion on demand to the point of birth. Her, Harris and Walz lie about codifying it into law in Minnesota, letting born babies die in botched abortions. It’s horrific, Democrats of the past weren’t for Partial Birth Abortions; “nurse” Underwood is. It’s so very sad.

There is no “mood” for any such legislation in Washington DC, party leadership from either side will not put forward any such bill.

I believe in the dignity of every human person, and I am anti-abortion. I will work to protect the most innocent of human beings, the babies in mothers’ wombs, most importantly, praying and working to change the hearts and minds of young Americans and share with the the gift of life!

Should Congress act to ensure fertility treatments, like IVF, remain available in the future? Do you believe those treatments are under threat?

Is there any evidence these are under threat? What does that mean?

What programs are you in favor of that could make home-buying more affordable for first-time homebuyers?

Homes are made more affordable by a robust economy! The economy is weak and unstable, job losses, market crashing, Biden/Harris inflation has been fueled by the outrageous spending spree by Congress and Lauren Underwood, which has put the inflation-tax burden on the American Worker. Rep. Underwood and her Democrat comrades support the Biden/Harris budgets out-of-control spending in Washington, plus the shuttering of our energy sector.

My plan is simple: Set our economy on a firm foundation of growth. Dismantle the Biden policies that have robbed us of our energy independence and bring American energy back and stop the policies fueling inflation. Protect our rights and Freedoms: Secure our border, protect our votes, individual liberty and medical choice from the assault of mandates, and protect parents’ rights for their children in our schools. Stop out-of-control spending. In Congress, I will be relentless in my efforts to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, end government waste, fraud, abuse and work to balance the budget.

Many local communities have or are considering “public camping” ordinances to prevent homeless encampments. What steps would you take to ensure everyone has access to shelter?

1) Stop the invasion and secure the border. This would eliminate most of the “homeless” issues overnight.

2) This is a local and state issue, not a federal issue. The federal government needs to stop spending our tax dollars on ill-conceived and corrupt programs which are always ripe with waste, fraud and abuse.

What can be done legislatively to reduce gun violence/prevent school shootings? Is it addressing mental health, gun control, arming teachers, increased school security?

1) More lawful, Concealed Carry and Open Carry law-abiding citizens carrying, trained and ready to protect themselves, their family and neighbors.

2) Eliminate gun free zones, which have only proven to make our children and schools the targets of mass murder.

3) We must protect our children in schools with armed, trained and numerous personnel. We protect professional and college sports, every festival in every town has robust police presence, we protect businesses and government courts and offices, yet we leave our schools unprotected? Why is that? intentional? Seems like the most precious of life, our innocent children, deserve the protecting we afford everything else!

Congressional positions allow a certain amount of money earmarked to local projects: What local projects would you support?

I recall in the ‘90s, President Clinton said the era of big government was over. Congress supposedly eliminated earmarks, yet they seem to be back in full corruption rampant mode!

This is a practice we should end.

What should be done legislatively to secure the southern border?

Stop the invasion and secure the border. I support the constitutional immigration process.

1. Build / finish the wall.

2. Enforce existing Immigration laws.

3. No DACA and no amnesty.

4. End LBJ’s Chain migration immigration.

5. End the practice of birthright citizenship for illegal aliens and foreign visitors.

6. Enforce the border, deport illegal immigrant when detained. End catch-and-release. Require law enforcement to report

7. End sanctuary cities and states

8. Enforce the law against employers breaking it.

9. Cap/reduce all Immigration. Individuals seeking to become an American citizen who love America and freedom, who possess drive, skill and ability to prosper, on a limited number basis capped at levels that protect American citizens interest first, and only those who are legitimate in eminent danger and meet the full legal requirements for refugee and Asylum status.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have a ownership stake received a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?

No. I am a small business owner; I have started my business on my own and took on all the risk.

I’ve been in businesses for 22 years and am going successfully without the government helping, only taxing me far too much.

Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a crime?


What is your position on open, transparent government?

Open the books! We need every dime online of the federal, state and local governments.

I support ideas and work of the late #Founder, CEO Adam Andrzejewski, may he rest in peace.