
2024 DeKalb County Board Election Questionnaire: Shell (Celeste) DeYoung Dunn, District 11

Election 2024
Shell (Celeste) DeYoung Dunn

Full Name:

Shell (Celeste) DeYoung Dunn

What office are you seeking?

DeKalb County Board, District 11

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and Employer:


What offices, if any, have you previously held?

Precinct Committeeperson, Somonauk Township



Campaign Website:



Associates Degree in liberal arts foreign languages

Bachelor of Arts in secondary education foreign languages

Community Involvement:

Vice President, Friends of the Somonauk Public Library

Communications Chairperson of the DeKalb County Democrats

Marital Status/Immediate Family:

Widowed since 2017

Nikolaus Stromberg, son 39

Benjamin Stromberg, son 37, married

Why are you running for office?

I would like to be a fresh voice for southern DeKalb County. My main passion is to create an affordable public transportation system such as Pace, to allow the more senior residents the opportunity to get around more freely. Most of our major institutions are in the northern section of the county and without transportation many residents cannot access them. I would also like to support more thoughtful regenerative farming, green energy and affordable healthcare, including mental healthcare for everyone.

Will you honor the results of the November election?

Absolutely. A person’s vote is sacred and everyone deserves to be counted!

Taxes continue to be a top concern for DeKalb County voters. If elected, how would you alleviate the tax burden on local taxpayers?

Taxes are essential to assure that infrastructure is well funded. However, this requires accountability and I would work to make sure there is transparency in how our taxes are spent. We should also assure that the growth in DeKalb County we are experiencing, also includes increases in corporate taxes. Equalizing the tax burden will alleviate the burden on residents.

The DeKalb County Rehabilitation and Nursing Center’s story has made numerous headlines over the past two+ years. The County is currently suing the former would-be buyers of the facility for breaching their contract to purchase the property amid ongoing financial burdens. The County has since established a committee to oversee nursing home operations, hired a new facility director and taken action to begin overhauling its thousands of dollars of debt. Do you agree with this course of action? Do you agree or disagree with the County’s decision to keep the home publicly-owned? Why or why not? Please be specific.

I absolutely agree with the decision to keep the DeKalb Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in the county’s purview. I have experienced first-hand the horrors of for-profit nursing home organizations. Our Nursing Home has extremely high ratings and excellent care. This is only possible when the county itself is invested in its elderly residents. I am PROUD to support our seniors and will work tirelessly to assure that we keep the DeKalb Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in the county’s hands.

Do you support solar infrastructure? Would you vote for or against corporations seeking to build solar farms on DeKalb County land? Do you believe changes to public policy regarding solar development needs to be changed or should stay as is? Why or why not?

I support solar energy development. We MUST get off fossil fuels for numerous reasons, not just for the climate. I support allowing individuals to convert to solar energy as well as establishing more solar capture centers. Increasing solar and wind power will make DeKalb County a powerhouse of energy production, essential as we move forward in technological advances.

Do you support the Prairie Band Potawatomi’s efforts to reclaim federally-recognized stolen land in Shabbona? Why or why not? Please be specific.

Yes, I fully support the Prairie Band Potawatomi’s claim for the land that was stolen from them. I am passionate about finally righting the egregious actions taken by the government. I also believe very strongly that Shabbona State Park would be carefully managed and made infinitely better under the guardianship of the Prairie Band Potawatomi’s ownership.

What would you prioritize in DeKalb County’s government budget if elected? Would you support any budget cuts? And if so to where?

I would need to see the budget and where money is being allocated before I could honestly offer any opinion on cutting or prioritizing. I do fully support funding education, healthcare and other essential infrastructures.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have a ownership stake received a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?

I have only worked in corporate jobs, not in any capacity to obtain federal loans.

Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a crime?
