
2024 Election Questionnaire: Anna Wilhelmi, DeKalb County Board, District 11

Election 2024
Anna Wilhelmi

Full Name:

Anna Wilhelmi

What office are you seeking?

DeKalb County Board

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and Employer:

Attorney, Anna M Wilhelmi Law Offices, P.C

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

Democratic Precinct Committeeperson


Earlville, Illinois

Campaign Website:



Northern Illinois University College of Law Juris Doctor(Law Degree)Northern Illinois University Bachelor of Arts Sociology Emph: CriminologyCollege of DUpage Associates of Arts

Community Involvement:

Chair, DCRNC Oversight BoardChair, DeKalb County Democratic PartyMember, League of Women VotersIllinios Bar AssocationDeKalb County Bar Association

Marital Status/Immediate Family:

Unmarried, no children.

Why are you running for office?

I became interested in County Board level business when I discovered our DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center (DCRNC) was put up for sale and there was unrest in the community about the sale. As I started to investigate the situation, I discovered there were issues with the sale and met many great people who were opposed to the sale. After much ado the sale was terminated, and the DCRNC is now no longer under contract and the County Board intends to keep the Nursing home. After this decision was made, the Board decided to create an Oversight Board, one that would oversee the DCRNC and make sure what happened does not happen again. I was appointed to the Oversight Board and was elected as Chair. The reason I am running for County Board in part has everything to do with making sure the DCRNC becomes its best self as it was not too long ago. We have residents and families who depend on County care, and those most vulnerable should be taken care of within our own DeKalb County. I also want to do my part to take care of our earth and water, and that means being mindful and promoting clean energy in our County. I support strong unions in our County, and believe that strong Unions make strong communities, and working families thrive where Union labor is prevalent. And I also strongly support and believe that small business is at the heart of our thriving County, and I want to be a part of supporting small business.

Will you honor the results of the November election?

Yes, absolutely, 100 percent. Peaceful transfer of power is mandatory to maintain a democracy.

Taxes continue to be a top concern for DeKalb County voters. If elected, how would you alleviate the tax burden on local taxpayers?

As a home owner, I am concerned with property taxes, and my goal would be to maintain a balance of supporting a growing and thriving County while maintaining a reasonable property tax. The last several years the County Board has successfully maintained efforts to keep the bill of home owners at approximately the same amount as the previous year even though the assessments have increased overall. This can be accomplished by lowering the tax rate a needed to accomplish this goal. My goal would be to continue the management of taxes in the same reasonable way.

The DeKalb County Rehabilitation and Nursing Center’s story has made numerous headlines over the past two+ years. The County is currently suing the former would-be buyers of the facility for breaching their contract to purchase the property amid ongoing financial burdens. The County has since established a committee to oversee nursing home operations, hired a new facility director and taken action to begin overhauling its thousands of dollars of debt. Do you agree with this course of action? Do you agree or disagree with the County’s decision to keep the home publicly-owned? Why or why not? Please be specific.

I absolutely agree with this course of action and the County Board’s decision to keep the DCRNC publicly owned. As stated earlier, I became interested in County Board level business because of the sale of the DCRNC and the unrest generated from the execution of that contract. After much research, it was beyond worrisome to me that the companies purchasing the DCRNC has multiple one star private facilities. I became involved in opposition of the sale, and when the sale was terminated, I was thrilled, and ready to get down to business of bringing the DCRNC back to where it used to be, a quality nursing and rehabilitation facility filled with reliable, dedicated employees. The County Board had decided to create an Oversight Board, and I jumped at the chance to be appointed to this voluntary position. The County appointed me to the Oversight Board, and the Oversight Board elected me as their Chair. As the Oversight Board Chair, I currently am doing my best to ensure nothing like that happens again to our 170-year-old County home.

Do you support solar infrastructure? Would you vote for or against corporations seeking to build solar farms on DeKalb County land? Do you believe changes to public policy regarding solar development needs to be changed or should stay as is? Why or why not?

Yes, I support solar and other forms of clean energy. In general I would support companies building solar farms, and I would want to encourage small business, Union labor and made in USA products, while being mindful of the preservation of open prairie and farmlands, native plants and soil regeneration.

Do you support the Prairie Band Potowatomi’s efforts to reclaim federally-recognized stolen land in Shabbona? Why or why not? Please be specific.

Yes. The Potowatami Nation Prairie Band had their land stolen many years ago, and must be made whole. These are lands which hold the remains of the Potowatami Nation ancestors. The Potowatami has (re)purchased about 300 acres of land in the Shabbona area, and have placed it in Trust which has been federally recognized as tribal land. The neighboring families are concerned about the State Park and Shabbona Lake, and deteriorating property values, and change is often a difficult proposition. Chair Rupnick has negotiated that the Parks and Lake would still be available for fishing and recreation etc through what will be a well thought out management agreement. Further, the tribe desires a right of first refusal, so that if current home owners wished to sell their land, the tribe would have the option to purchase the property, which benefits both parties.

What would you prioritize in DeKalb County’s government budget if elected? Would you support any budget cuts? And if so to where?

I would prioritize health, including mental health and care of Veterans, seniors, disabled and children. I would do this with full consideration of our budgetary needs and limits, while being mindful not to place undo burden on home owners thorugh property taxes. I have reviewed the current proposed 2025 budget and I would not support budget cuts at this time and am in agreement with the 2025 proposed budget.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have a ownership stake received a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?

Yes. In capacity of the business of Anna Wilhelmi Law Offices, P.C., I have received two PPP loans during COVID crisis, one loan for $7962 and one loan for $18,700, both of which were forgiven, and a small business admin loan for $9500, which was paid back in full.

Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a crime?
