
2024 Election Questionnaire: Rhonda L. Henke, DeKalb County Board, District 1

Election 2024

Full Name:

Rhonda L. Henke

What office are you seeking?

DeKalb County Board; District 1 (unexpired 2-year term)

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and Employer:

I am retired. I live on our family farm.

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

I was appointed to the county board District 1 in February 2023 to fill a vacancy after the resignation of Brad Belanger.


Clare, IL

Campaign Website:



As an adult, I returned to school and received my nursing degree from Kishwaukee Community College.

Community Involvement:

I am a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sycamore, Genoa Legion Auxiliary, Sycamore Moose Lodge 1506, Sycamore Sportsman’s and Conservation Club, Kishwaukee Valley FNRA and DCRNC Oversight Board. I am a Precinct Committeeman and Secretary of DCRCC.

As a cancer survivor, I support many organizations that raise money and awareness for breast cancer screening.

Marital Status/Immediate Family:

My husband Steve and I have been married for 44 years. We have one daughter and five grandchildren.

Why are you running for office?

I want to continue to serve the community I live in by protecting landowner’s rights while preserving the importance of agriculture in our county. I believe we must be good stewards of the tax money collected. It is important to maintain a balanced budget and live within our means. At the same time, we need to be prepared to meet the long-term needs of our citizens. We can achieve this by being fiscally responsible, insisting on transparency in our government and being accountable for our actions.

Will you honor the results of the November election?


Taxes continue to be a top concern for DeKalb County voters. If elected, how would you alleviate the tax burden on local taxpayers?

We must be fiscally responsible and live within our means. Encouraging new growth and jobs will help lessen the burden placed on taxpayers.

The DeKalb County Rehabilitation and Nursing Center’s story has made numerous headlines over the past two+ years. The County is currently suing the former would-be buyers of the facility for breaching their contract to purchase the property amid ongoing financial burdens. The County has since established a committee to oversee nursing home operations, hired a new facility director and taken action to begin overhauling its thousands of dollars of debt. Do you agree with this course of action? Do you agree or disagree with the County’s decision to keep the home publicly-owned? Why or why not? Please be specific.

When I was appointed to the board, the decision had been made to sell the nursing home. I understand why this difficult choice was made. Later, after the full board decided upon a different path, it became necessary to find a positive way forward. Wide-spread community support led to the creation of the DCRNC Oversight Board. I am one of the seven members on the newly formed committee. While it is true that the financial situation is improving, much work is still needed. The long-term care of our seniors continues to be our focus, and I am committed to achieving that goal.

Do you support solar infrastructure? Would you vote for or against corporations seeking to build solar farms on DeKalb County land? Do you believe changes to public policy regarding solar development needs to be changed or should stay as is? Why or why not?

I have voted in favor of smaller solar projects of 40 acres or less, however, I am opposed to large scale industrial solar complexes. Illinois stripped local governments from controlling wind and solar developments. Our county had a good zoning ordinance in place that was used as a model for other jurisdictions. It would be better if our county was allowed to determine its own path forward.

Do you support the Prairie Band Potawatomi’s efforts to reclaim federally-recognized stolen land in Shabbona? Why or why not? Please be specific.

I understand that this is a situation that does not have an easy answer. I support the Potowatomi’s claim; however, the federal government and state are in control. It appears that their inability to solve the problem has left many unanswered questions for all parties involved.

What would you prioritize in DeKalb County’s government budget if elected? Would you support any budget cuts? And if so to where?

I support a balanced budget. I believe we must be careful with our tax money and make reductions when and wherever possible.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have a ownership stake received a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?

I retired in 2017; therefore, I don’t believe that that was an option for me.

Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a crime?
