
2024 Election Questionnaire: Stewart Ogilvie, DeKalb County Board, 4th District

Election 2024
Stewart Ogilvie

Full Name:

Stewart Ogilvie

What office are you seeking?

District 4 DeKalb County Board

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and Employer:

District 428 DeKalb Public Schools teacher, assistant and study hall supervisor

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

DeKalb County Board District 4 representative

Democratic Committeeman CO-03rd Precinct

Board Member Illinois High School Theatre Festival - Vice Director for Workshop Development



Campaign Website:

www.StewartOgilvie.com and Act Blue - Citizens for Ogilvie


Associate’s in biology - Kishwaukee College

UW - LaCrosse - Theatre and photography/filmmaking

NIU Bachelor’s degree in theatre and speech

Type 9 Teaching Certification with Gifted Credentials

Graduate-level classes in gifted education, communications and telecommunications management

Many professional theatre workshops and coursework

Community Involvement:

Stagecoach Theatre

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Marital Status/Immediate Family:

No spouse and one son.

Why are you running for office?

I grew up in DeKalb, moved away, and later in life came back. I have lived in Sycamore for more than 20 years, and as you know, Sycamore is a wonderful place to live. It has been friendly and welcoming to me and my son. I want to do what I can to “give back” to the community. I want to help the people of DeKalb County in any way I can and in particular work further to help my constituents in the 4th District.

Will you honor the results of the November election?

Of course. It is a basic tenant of our Constitution and the American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power in accordance with the results of the election.

Taxes continue to be a top concern for DeKalb County voters. If elected, how would you alleviate the tax burden on local taxpayers?

We as a board over the past year have managed to maintain and improve many aspects of the county including the saving, maintaining, and even growth of the services of the DeKalb County Home while the county portion of our property taxes has gone down. Granted it was by a 1/4 of 1% but it was still a decrease of that county portion of the property taxes. I am on the Forest Preserve Committee and the Facilities and Technology Committee. We have facilitated the resurfacing of “Great Western Trails” and the growth of other forest preserve lands and bike/hiking trails. I believe that is a good start and we can continue that trend with good fiscal responsibility. I have always considered myself a fiscally conservative and socially progressive Democrat.

The DeKalb County Rehabilitation and Nursing Center’s story has made numerous headlines over the past two+ years. The County is currently suing the former would-be buyers of the facility for breaching their contract to purchase the property amid ongoing financial burdens. The County has since established a committee to oversee nursing home operations, hired a new facility director and taken action to begin overhauling its thousands of dollars of debt. Do you agree with this course of action? Do you agree or disagree with the County’s decision to keep the home publicly-owned? Why or why not? Please be specific.

I not only agree with that course of action I was one of the many who helped save the County Home, set up the oversight board, hire new personnel, and helped facilitate the growth of services in the home. Yes, I believe it should remain publicly owned. It is an important part of the health needs and history of DeKalb County. As our population ages, it is and will be important for the home to remain publicly-owned and available to the growing population, the parents and grandparents of all residents. Perhaps even you.

Do you support solar infrastructure? Would you vote for or against corporations seeking to build solar farms on DeKalb County land? Do you believe changes to public policy regarding solar development needs to be changed or should stay as is? Why or why not?

Yes, I fully support all avenues available to reduce our carbon footprint. I approach each land use individually. Each entity seeking land use is different as are their needs and ability to maintain the facility. So, each corporate request for a solar farm or other avenues of alternative energy sources needs to be looked at separately. For example, how will the land be maintained, how will the drainage of the land be handled/improved, and how will the facility benefit the county and help it move and grow in the 21st century? I believe the approach of public policy regarding solar or other potential alternative energy sources should each be approached individually. The painting of a general county policy with one broad brush is too narrow an approach. While a basic outline of review is a good start it is only a start and further exploration is needed, Each entity is different, and each entity should get an individual and thorough review. I am a firm believer in the reduction of our county’s carbon footprint while helping us grow prepared for the future.

Do you support the Prairie Band Potowatomi’s efforts to reclaim federally-recognized stolen land in Shabbona? Why or why not? Please be specific.

Yes, I support the Prairie Band Potawatomi’s claim to land that was taken from them there are also the needs of the current owners/residents of the property. The treatment of the Native Americans and the theft of the land that they lived on for generations is a blot on the history of this great country. I believe that while the Potawatomi are regaining their land, the property is owned and occupied by people who bought the property in good faith and should remain while giving the Prarie Band Potawatomi right of first refusal upon sale of the land by the current residents.

What would you prioritize in DeKalb County’s government budget if elected? Would you support any budget cuts? And if so to where?

I find it difficult to prioritize a large living document like the budget. It is annually scrutinized and adapted to the needs, maintenance, and growth of the county. Any cuts would have to be taken on a case-by-case basis in accordance with what the county needs at that time. While keeping an eye on what the county may need in the future. So annual review is needed and its development changes incrementally with the needs and growth of the county. Me stating categorically that this must be cut, or this needs more is not very adaptable for the future of the constituents that put me in the position that I was sworn to help and serve.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have a ownership stake received a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?

No I haven’t.

Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a crime?

No, I have had tickets but that’s the extent of it.