
2024 Election Questionnaire: Amy “Murri” Briel, State Representative, 76th District

Election 2024
Amy "Murri" Buriel

Full Name:

Amy “Murri” Briel

What office are you seeking?

State Representative 76th District

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and Employer:

Candidate for the IL 76th House District

What offices, if any, have you previously held?



Campaign Website:



Ottawa Township High School

Illinois State University

Community Involvement:

Citizens for Healthcare in Ottawa

LaSalle County Democrats

DeKalb County Democrats

Ottawa Pride

Volunteer Work

Animal Shelters and Rescues

ISU Forensics Team

Marital Status/Immediate Family:

Married with 3 sons.

Why are you running for office?

My roots in the 76th district and Illinois Valley run deep and my family has lived and farmed in the area for over a century. I have served the district as Chief of Staff for now retiring State Representative Lance Yednock, and was able to gain invaluable experience of the legislative process and the inner workings of Springfield and the needs of the 76th District. I am running to expand access and affordability to health care for all the citizens of the district and state. I will stand up to the big insurance and drug companies and fight to lower costs for our families. I am running to help build a strong, vibrant economy. I will protect organized labor and every citizen’s right to organize and collectively bargain. I strongly support the creation of new research centers and labs bolstering high-tech job creation. I am running to protect and improve our public education system and the children taught there. I believe in the residents of the 76th and I am running so that our district will thrive.

Will you honor the results of the November election, including the presidential race?


How would you assess the SAFE-T Act? Are there any changes/adjustments that you would like to see made?

Over the last two months we have begun seeing data returned on the factual impacts of the SAFE-T Act and thus far, it appears to be a net positive. I support the SAFE-T Act but as with any new legislation, I feel there is still work to be done particularly when it comes to categories of offenses. One of the biggest issues I heard about from citizens and court employees is the inconsistency of execution from county to county. Another issue that has been brought to my attention is the need for more support personnel in the courts to make the system run as efficient as possible.

What policies would you support to ease the burden on Illinois taxpayers? Please be specific

The repeal of the Illinois grocery tax was a good start to easing taxpayer burden and I believe we can do more by expanding the childcare tax credit, expanding the housing tax exemptions for seniors, military members, veterans, and the disability community. I am also in support of the ballot initiative the Property Tax Relief and Fairness Referendum which would ease the tax burden on the majority of Illinoisans’.

The Chicago area has been a destination for migrants, often with no housing options when they get here. What would you do in Springfield to help migrants when they appear, and to help local communities prepare when groups show up unannounced?

The first step is to work with the federal government and the asylum programs they provide to be sure they have the resources needed to help migrants as they arrive. The next step is ensuring that the connection points are open and staffed to help those in route to their final destination. Finally building a contingency plan for communities to enact if they find themselves in this position.

What programs are you in favor of that could make home-buying more affordable for first-time homebuyers?

Home ownership helps to build thriving communities but there are two big issues facing first time home buyers, affordability and availability. I think the state should be interested in assisting home builders expand inventory and incentivizing first time home owners. The amount of support would be supplemental to the federal support that is currently being proposed.

The last census showed that Illinois is losing population, and that rural areas are were hit harder than urban areas. Is that a cause for concern and, if so, what can you do from Springfield to ensure rural communities don’t disappear?

The rural communities of Illinois are where we grow as a state because agriculture, industry, technology, tourism, logistics, higher education are also a part of rural communities. The best way to grow our communities are investments in infrastructure from broadband to rail, healthcare to education. These investments will enable the 76th and other rural communities in Illinois to thrive.

Should Illinois impose a state parks fee that is earmarked for maintenance of those facilities? If so, how should it be implemented?

I am not in favor of a fee for individual state park use.

With hospitals closing and/or downsizing in northern Illinois, what can be done to ensure rural residents have access to quality health care?

Access to quality medical and mental healthcare has to be one of the biggest issues facing our district. Healthcare systems are for-profit corporate entities who provide critical services for us yet do not operate at the direction of the state. I believe the state should have more input on the workings of these corporations and basic financial oversight of these entities is an important component of improving the rural healthcare crisis.

Do you support Karina’s Bill, which aims to strengthen enforcement of the removal of firearms from those with orders of protection against them? More broadly, are Illinois laws too strict – or not strict enough – when it comes to gun rights and gun control and what changes would you advocate for?

Yes, I support Karina’s Bill.

Should Metra, Pace and the CTA be combined into one agency? What should be done to address the fiscal cliff facing the public transit agencies?

I am not versed enough on the suburban and Chicago transit issues as none of those entities affect the district directly. From the folks I’ve talked to throughout the 76th district, we have plenty of public transportation needs that must be met and that has been my focus.

In your capacity as a private citizen, have you or any business entity in which you have a ownership stake received a federal PPP loan? If so, what was the amount and is it repaid, forgiven or still outstanding?


Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a crime?
