Daily Chronicle

Video: DeKalb City Council Ward 2 candidates talk top issues

Barbara Larson, Michael Embrey share campaign platforms with Shaw Local News Network

Election 2024
Candidates seeking to represent Ward 2 on the DeKalb City Council, incumbent Barbara Larson (bottom left) and Michael Embrey (bottom right) talk top issues with Daily Chronicle Editor Kelsey Rettke (top right) and DeKalb city reporter Megann Horstead (top left) during a virtual candidate forum on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.

Editor’s note: To learn more about other candidates on your ballot before voting, visit our Election Central webpage. You’ll also find information on contested races for DeKalb Mayor and DeKalb City Clerk.

DeKALB – Candidates seeking to represent Ward 2 on the DeKalb City Council, incumbent Barbara Larson and Michael Embrey, talked top issues and goals for the office in a virtual forum with Daily Chronicle news staff.

The forum on March 18 invited the candidates to answer questions pertaining to the office. The consolidated election is April 1. Other offices up for election are uncontested. Justin Carlson is running unopposed for Ward 4. Incumbent Andre Powell is running unopposed for Ward 5, and incumbent Mike Verbic is running unopposed for Ward 6.