Crystal Lake man accused of having child porn videos, victims younger than 13

Robert J. Rotermund

CRYSTAL LAKE – A Crystal Lake man is accused of possessing pornographic videos of children younger than 13 being sexually assaulted, according to a complaint filed in McHenry County court.

Robert J. Rotermund, 21, of the 1300 block of Loch Lomond Drive, is charged with three counts of child pornography, Class 2 felonies. Rotermund is due in court Friday, records show.

If convicted on the charges he faces up to seven years in prison. Class 2 felonies also are probational.

Rotermund is accused of possessing videos depicting people he should have reasonably known to be younger than 13 involved in sexual conduct, according to court records.

Names attached to the video files found on a computer in Rotermund’s possession included “Cutie-Rape-Crying-I’m-gonna ... and-ur-gonna-like-it-Okay...,” according to the complaint.

Rotermund was arrested and taken into custody at the county jail Tuesday. Rotermund posted $7,500, 10% of a $75,000 bond and was released from jail Wednesday morning, according to the jail log.

His attorney declined to comment Wednesday.

This story was updated July 20, 2023 to include the amount of bond Rotermund posted.

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