West Dundee considers conducting special census

West Dundee is considering a special census only four years after the national count to ensure that the village’s newest residents are included.

Although a special count could cost $367,000, the village expects it would recoup that cost – and then some – before the next census in 2030. With three new residential developments since 2020, the village estimated that there are at least 600 new residents who were not counted in the last census.

If approved, West Dundee would join Pingree Grove and Warrenville, which will undergo special counts this year.

West Dundee saw its population increase from 7,331 residents in 2010 to 7,786 residents in 2020.

Currently, the village receives $224.34 per resident – about $1.75 million annually – through state income tax and motor fuel tax receipts. The village uses the money to help cover road improvements and other village expenses.

Since the 2020 census, three new residential developments – The Reserve at Randall Road, Spring Hill Senior Residences and The Woodlands at Canterfield – have been completed. Although a special census requires a recount of the entire village, West Dundee officials believe that they will see the greatest gains in the new developments.

“The unfortunate part is [that] we can’t count just the tracts where the uncounted population growth occurred,” Village President Chris Nelson said. “We have to do the whole community again.”

Despite the $367,000 price tag for a recount, village officials believe that they would recoup those costs within the first two years and reap benefits in the final three years before the 2030 census.

According to a village memo, officials estimate an increase of 600 people in the population count would bring in another $134,600 per year, plus another $15,000 annually through the Illinois Department of Transportation’s high cities growth program.

Between now and the 2030 census, the village would take in an additional $822,800 in revenue, or an estimated net gain of $455,800, after accounting for the expense of a special census.

Village trustees are expected to further discuss the proposal at a February meeting. If approved, Nelson is hopeful that the village could complete the special count later this year.

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