Dear Editor:
The purpose of this letter is to recommend a “YES” vote for the mental health sales tax proposal on the March 19th ballot. Early in my political career, I served on and chaired the Illinois State Mental Health Commission for most of the 20 years while I was in the State Senate.
I’ve always been proud of the support McHenry County has given to those with developmental disabilities. Particularly, the Pioneer Center in McHenry County has done so much for those with developmental disabilities. I believe when we created the Mental Health Board, we made the mistake of funding it by the overworked property tax. Mental health and those with developmental disability issues affect everyone, not just those who pay property taxes.
It seems that all too often when we get the details after a shooting or other tragedy, we find the individual involved had serious mental health issues and there were warning flags all over the place. We need to make sure the mental health safety net is fully functional and adequately funded. I have been pleasantly surprised that there has been quite a bit of bipartisan support for the referendum, which I truly believe is a step in the right direction. I urge everyone to support it.
Jack Schaffer