Northwest Herald

Oliver: Want to reduce your risk of dementia? Alzheimer’s Association offers 5 tips

Watching a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is a heartbreaking ordeal. It’s no surprise that many of us wonder if something similar will happen to us.

Nearly 7 million people aged 65 and older in the United Sates are living with Alzheimer’s dementia, including 233,000 in Illinois. That number includes my dear husband, Tony.

What are the chances that you or I will join them? The lifetime risk for the disease at age 45 is 1 in 5 for women and 1 in 10 for men, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. The brain changes that cause Alzheimer’s disease are thought to begin 20 years or more before symptoms begin. That seems to indicate that there may be time to do something to stop the progression of the disease.

That’s why this June, during Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, the Alzheimer’s Association is encouraging us all to take charge of our brain health. The observance was created in 2014 to encourage a global conversation about the brain and Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

“Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month offers the perfect opportunity for Illinois residents to take charge of their brain health,” Delia Jervier, executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association Illinois chapter, said in a news release. “We want people to know there are steps they can take to potentially reduce their risk of cognitive decline. We also want to encourage anyone experiencing memory or thinking problems to talk to their doctor. There are many possible causes – and if it’s Alzheimer’s disease, there are numerous benefits to getting a timely diagnosis.”

During June, the Alzheimer’s Association offers these five suggestions to take charge of your brain health:

1. Incorporate healthy habits that may reduce the risk of cognitive decline: Research shows that as many as 40% of dementia cases worldwide may be attributable to modifiable risk factors. The Alzheimer’s Association has a list of “10 Healthy Habits” that they encourage us to incorporate to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and possibly dementia. That can be found at

2. Learn the early warning signs of Alzheimer’s and other dementia: Many people equate Alzheimer’s to memory loss. Although that is one of the most common signs, there are others, including altered judgment, mood changes, challenges in decision-making, as well as planning and carrying out projects. Some memory changes can be a normal part of aging; however, when those changes interfere with daily living or stray drastically from the person’s normal behavior, it’s best to get it checked.

3. Be proactive in addressing memory and thinking problems: A 2022 Alzheimer’s Association report found that 60% of American adults say they would not see a doctor right away if they were experiencing symptoms of mild cognitive impairment. Rather, they would wait until symptoms worsened or until family and friends expressed concern. However, early detection and diagnosis offers the best chance for care, management and treatment.

4. Help accelerate disease-related research: Clinical trials hold the key to new and better disease treatments. Individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, caregivers and healthy volunteers are needed to participate in clinical trials that help advance Alzheimer’s research. Today, about 55,000 volunteers are needed for more than 180 clinical trials. The Alzheimer’s Association has a trial match service on its website.

5. Volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Association: Volunteers are the key to making a difference in the lives of people facing Alzheimer’s and other dementias. When you volunteer with the Alzheimer’s Association, you join a network of people who are working to fight this devastating disease, honor loved ones, and bring care and support to those who need it.

To learn more about the Alzheimer’s Association, available resources and how to get involved in support of the cause, visit

Joan Oliver is the former Northwest Herald assistant news editor. She has been associated with the Northwest Herald since 1990. She can be reached at

Joan Oliver

Joan Oliver

A 30-year newspaper veteran who has been a copy editor, front-page editor, presentation editor, assistant news editor and publication editor, as well as a columnist and host of an online newspaper newscast.