McHenry County judge charged with driving motorcycle 93 mph in a 55 mph zone in Hebron Township

A McHenry County associate judge is charged with driving his motorcycle almost 40 mph faster than allowed on a roadway in Hebron Township, court records show.

Jeffrey L. Hirsch, 55, of Woodstock, is accused of driving at least 35 mph over the speed limit, according to the citation and complaint filed in the McHenry County court. McHenry County Sheriff’s Office alleged on June 10 he was driving his Harley-Davidson motorcycle 93 mph in a 55 mph zone north on Route 47, according to the complaint.

Hirsch’s attorney declined comment.

Citing Illinois’ Judicial Privacy Act, Hirsch submitted a legal filing asking the McHenry County Clerk of the Circuit Court and the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office to not make his personal information public including his home address, telephone numbers, date of birth or information about his relatives.

“Failure to comply with this request or a violation of the Judicial Privacy Act may result in legal action against you,” according to the court filing, which was signed by Hirsch. The request includes that his personal information also not be provided in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

“The request shall remain in effect until and valid until the judicial officer provides written permission to release the private information,” according to the request.

In fact, the complaint and citation lists Hirsch’s address as 2200 N. Seminary Ave. in Woodstock – the location of the McHenry County courthouse and the same address at which he was ordered on document to appear.

Hirsch was charged with a misdemeanor violation of state law, as opposed to a local ordinance citation, so he did not have the option of simply paying the fine but was required to appear in court, court records show.

A judge from another county – Kane County Judge Julio Cesar Valdez – was selected to oversee Hirsch’s case, according to court documents. Hirsch made a brief initial appearance before Valdez via Zoom on Monday but Hirsch did not enter a plea and his case was continued until Aug. 2.

Hirsch was appointed associate judge in 2015. When sworn in to the position in 2015, overseeing traffic matters, Hirsch, a former associate with The Gitlin Law Firm, joked that being selected from a pool of 18 potential applicants, “must be what it feels like to be drafted into the NHL. First round.”

“Like a newly drafted rookie, I’m eager to get to work for the home team in the McHenry County 22nd Judicial Circuit,” he said when he was sworn in.

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