Follett Content donates to Big Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry County through employee bookstore

McHenry-based Follett Content has donated $1,541 to Big Brothers Big sister of McHenry County, a Crystal Lake-based mentoring organization that matches children with adults and professionally supports their relationship. The donation was made possible by proceeds from recent sales at Edythe’s Book Nook, the Follett Content employee bookstore.

McHenry-based Follett Content has donated $1,541 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry County, a Crystal Lake-based mentoring organization that matches children with adults and professionally supports their relationships. The donation was made possible by proceeds from recent sales at Edythe’s Book Nook, the Follett Content employee bookstore.

CEO Britten Follett presented a check to the nonprofit’s community-based program manager Anna Buckingham and development coordinator Christina Wolf on June 26. This follows an earlier donation of $550 derived from a separate book sale in early May that Follett Content held on behalf of Big Brothers Big Sisters of McHenry County.

Follett Content also has made donations from the employee bookstore to CASA of McHenry County, which trains volunteers to advocate in court for abused and neglected children, and Home of the Sparrow, which provides affordable housing, rapid rehousing and supportive services that address the core issues of homelessness.

Youth and Family Center of McHenry County and Communities That Care will be the beneficiaries of separate donations later this summer, according to a news release from Follett. Since Edythe’s Book Nook opened less than two years ago, donations exceeding $15,000 have been made to local organizations.

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