Letter: U.S. is not a Christian country

Letter to the Editor

The United States is not a Christian country. It is true that our country was started by a bunch of Christians who were fleeing religious persecution – mostly in Europe. And they said, “By God, we won’t let that happen to anyone here!”

When they put together a document we call the U.S. Constitution, they had also been subjected to tyrannical rule from a European monarch for over 100 years. They wanted to form a government that gave them freedom to rule themselves and to worship how they chose.

This document starts with, “We the people of the United States…” and then states its goals “…in order to…

- form a more perfect union,

- establish justice,

- insure domestic tranquility,

- provide for the common defense,

- promote the general welfare, and

- secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

So, we have a document (U.S. Constitution) that allows us to rule ourselves (democracy) and elect representatives (republic) to government (Congress and president) and that gives us the freedom to worship or not as we please. To wit, I would say it’s unconstitutional to call ourselves a Christian country. Wouldn’t you?

William King


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