Letter: We don’t seem to pay much attention to scientists anymore

Letter to the Editor

Ed Stone, who died last week, was not in our local obituaries. Ed Stone was the lead NASA scientist who helped and developed the Voyager project, which over 50 years opened up space for us, discovering planets and stars and moons. Voyager expanded our knowledge of the universe and in doing so increased our knowledge of our own planet.

We do not seem to pay much attention to scientists anymore preferring to spend our time watching “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” I remember the rapt attention that early space missions attracted, and I contrast that with the House shaming of scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci and feel like American citizens have turned a corner, no longer understanding and respecting that the modern life we so love was created by science and scientists.

We love them when they give us quick toasters, but not so much when they tell us we need a vaccination or that the earth is warming to a dangerous level. And gods forbid that we have to do something that may require a change or a sacrifice.

We have become self-centered and narcissistic as a nation. I doubt few of us our informed by reading well-researched books on topics that are important or watch a science show instead of the Kardashians. Seems like in a democracy, it is the job of citizens to be informed. Maybe our national bird should be an ostrich and not an eagle.

W. Jeff Varda


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