Letter: The Democrats must really hate President Biden

Letter to the Editor

The Democrats must really hate President Biden.

After the recent Supreme Court decision that supported the 200+ year tradition of presidential immunity to consequences of official actions, the Democrats have been arguing that the decision was wrong and that presidents should not have immunity.

If the Democrats were to get their wish and the Court reversed its decision, President Biden could, after he leaves office, be held criminally liable for negligent homicide and civilly for wrongful death in the cases of the 13 service members killed during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

He would be personally and solely responsible since the decision to use the civilian airport in downtown Kabul instead of the U.S. military-controlled Bagram airfield was made by him against the advice of the military planners at the Pentagon. To put this in a local perspective, this would be like ordering a withdrawal from northern Illinois using the former Meigs field in downtown Chicago rather than the former military side of O’Hare.

Bagram, like the military side of O’Hare, would have been much easier to protect than a civilian airfield in a major city, and would therefore have provided better protection to personnel during the withdrawal.

I repeat, the Democrats must really hate President Biden.

Patrick Donlea

Crystal Lake

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