Letter: Support SAVE Act

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 mandated that every state accept the federal government’s voter registration form. In the years since, the form has proved to be problematic because there is no requirement to obtain proof that the person being registered is a United States citizen.

This is clearly a threat to our republic. There are millions of illegal aliens in the country, none of whom are allowed to vote, but could, because the 1993 law does not require proof of citizenship to register or vote.

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy introduced the SAVE Act, a bill ensuring those registering to vote prove citizenship.

If any American went to another country and tried to vote in their elections, we would expect that country to say no. That is what the SAVE Act accomplishes. This act ensures that only United States citizens are voting.

I encourage everyone to ask their federal officials to support the SAVE Act and local and state officials to support it through resolutions, state constitutions, and laws requiring IDs to prove noncitizen status.

This is not a partisan issue. Every legal voter’s vote is diluted by illegal votes. This bill should pass unanimously in both chambers and signed immediately afterward by President Biden. We expect all elected officials to agree that only citizens should vote.

We must protect and secure our republic in order to have a future for both citizens and noncitizens who may, one day, become citizens of this great country.

Ersel C. Schuster


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