Crystal Lake looks for private donors to fund public area projects

Individuals can donate to fund a new Depot Park and art installations through the Community Foundation for McHenry County

A rendering for Depot Park in downtown Crystal Lake that features terracotta tiles and a theater-in-the-round.

The city of Crystal Lake is partnering with the Community Foundation for McHenry County to fundraise for capital and public area projects.

The city has multiple projects in the capital improvement plan “that could benefit from private donations,” including new downtown plazas, an upgraded Depot Park, Route 14 updates, projects at Three Oaks Recreation Area and public art installations, according to city documents.

A pass-through fund with the Community Foundation for McHenry County was approved by the City Council last week. The fund allows anyone to make donations directly to the project improvements. The city could draw from the funds once construction has started, according to city documents.

The city has been looking at different plans to renovate downtown’s Depot Park with the hopes of starting construction next year. Developers have proposed options of a band shell or a theater-in-the-round in historic heritage themes of ice harvesting or terra cotta. Developers estimate that the project will cost about $5 million.

There currently is no set fundraising goal for the projects, Crystal Lake Community Development Director Kathryn Cowlin said.

“Any donations would be directed to the desired project of the donor,” Cowlin said in an email to the Northwest Herald. “Interested donors can contact the city of Crystal Lake or Community Foundation of McHenry County.”

Community Foundation staff will accept donations and manage the fund. All requests for disbursement will be evaluated by the foundation’s board to ensure funds are properly used to meet the purpose of the agreement. Donors have the option to be anonymous. The foundation also can invest the donations to grow the fund, according to city documents.

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