Huntley High girls track team honored by village

Huntley Village President Tim Hoeft presents a certificate to Emmy Byers at the Huntley Village Board meeting July 25, 2024 in recognition of the Huntley High School track team's state titles.

Signs graced Huntley Village Hall on Thursday evening, and as attendees filed into the board meeting, the screen displayed a congratulatory message to the Huntley High School girls track team.

The signs honored the team, which took second overall in Class 3A at this year’s Illinois High School Association state meet.

The team took first place overall last year but lost out on a repeat this year after Prospect High School took fourth in the 4x400, the final race, to get ahead of Huntley in the standings.

In addition to a sign honoring the team’s second-place finish, there were signs for the three individual state titles that team members earned. Those titles included Dominque Johnson’s repeat as state champion in the triple jump and the school’s first state titles in the 4x100 meter relay and 4x200 meter relay. The school had won titles in field events, but the relays were the first for the school on the track.

The 4x100 meter relay team included Sophie Amin, Emmy Byers, K’Leigh Saenz and Vicky Evtimov. Johnson, Byers, Saenz and Evtimov were on the 4x200 team.

The team received formal recognition Thursday, with Village President Tim Hoeft and the Village Board formally congratulating the team before Hoeft handed out certificates to the athletes and the coaching staff made remarks.

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