The trial that could sideline a Marian Central state champion wrestler and coach: How we got here

Marian Central’s Jimmy Mastny waits during a break against Eddie Enright of Mt. Carmel in the tri-meet at Joliet Catholic on Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2024 in Joliet.

A McHenry County judge could rule Friday whether a Marian Central Catholic High School wrestler was given special inducements or was recruited to attend the Woodstock school where he wrestled his way to a state championship last season.

In question is whether co-coach Jordan Blanton and wrestler Jimmy Mastny, now a 16-year-old sophomore, broke IHSA bylaws when Blanton’s mother Stacey took guardianship of Mastny and let him live in her Woodstock home so he could attend the Woodstock school. Jimmy Mastny’s mother, Renee, has maintained that she only made this decision because she wanted a better education for her son than he could receive in the districts near her home in Oregon, Illinois.

Should Judge David Gervais rule in favor of the IHSA, Mastny’s wins from the 2023-24 season could be stripped – although it remains unclear if the ruling would be retroactive – and Blanton could be suspended from coaching for one year.

In December, the IHSA, the board that governs high school sports at more than 800 public and private schools in Illinois, ruled that the manner in which Mastny joined the team went against IHSA rules that prohibit recruiting. Blanton and Mastny were suspended but took the matter to court, and the judge put in place a temporary restraining order that paused the suspensions, allowing Mastny to wrestle and Blanton to coach while the case was pending.

Blanton and Mastny, as well as their mothers, denied that they broke any IHSA rules and maintain that Jimmy Mastny living with Stacey Blanton had nothing to do with recruitment for the wrestling team. Their attorney argued before Gervais on Aug. 19 that the bylaws say a student-athlete cannot live with a coach or person “connected” to the school. There is no wording in the bylaw saying that a family member of a school employee, in this case Stacey Blanton, is considered a person “connected” to the school.

So how did we get here? Here’s a look at events leading to the upcoming ruling.

2017 – Jimmy Mastny’s mother Renee and Stacey Blanton, mother of Marian Central Catholic co-coach Jordan Blanton, became friends.

2020 – Jimmy Mastny participates in a wrestling camp at Marian Central.

May 2023 – Jimmy Mastny tours Marian Central and finds he likes it. His mother wants him to receive a better education than she feels he can get in districts near their home in Oregon.

Summer 2023 – McHenry County Judge David Gervais grants Stacey Blanton legal guardianship of Jimmy Mastny so he can attend Marian.

August 2023 – Mastny begins high school as a freshman at Marian Central and earns academic awards. He joins the wrestling team in November.

Dec. 15, 2023 – After an IHSA investigation into whether Mastny was recruited in violation of IHSA bylaws, Blanton and Mastny are suspended.

Dec. 22, 2023 – Gervais temporarily lifts the IHSA ban after the coach and the wrestler’s mother take the matter to court. The ruling allows Mastny to wrestle and Blanton to coach while the case is pending.

Feb. 17 – Mastny wins Class 1A 157-pound state title.

Aug. 19 – The civil trial over the suspensions opens in McHenry County court, with attorneys for both sides arguing their case before Gervais.

Aug. 23 – Attorneys file their written closing arguments.

Friday – A court hearing is scheduled in the case, and the judge could announce his ruling.

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