Letter: Long list of Harris flip flops

Letter to the Editor

In 2019 during a CNN town hall, Sen. Harris favored banning plastic straws. A federal ban would bring the full weight of the federal government down on your use of plastic straws. Now she is not in favor of a ban. This is the latest of a long list of head-spinning flip flops by Vice President Harris.

She was against fracking and is now for fracking. She was for a government mandate for electric vehicles and the banning of combustion engines. She is now against her original EV mandate. She cosponsored a Medicare for All bill with Sen. Bernie Sanders. Today she is against it. During the George Floyd riots, while cities burned, Senator Harris promoted people donate to a bail fund for those arrested. She also praised Los Angeles for defunding the police. She now claims she is tough on crime and supports the police. President Biden and VP Harris created our open border policy, bringing the number of an estimated illegal immigrants to 11 million who are now living here on your tax dollars. The president tasked her with controlling our porous border and she did nothing.

VP Harris stated that her core values have not changed. What are her core values? In my opinion her values are for more government control, more taxes, more socialism and subsequent poverty for you.

John Surinak


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