Letter: Abortion is not just another health decision

Letter to the Editor

One of the topics for discussion at the debate was abortion. For the record, I am pro life for all stages of human life from conception to natural death and support for all who are dealing or caring for those who are in the beginning or end of this cycle.

Neither candidate brought up the scientific fact that abortion is not just another health decision, but deals with the death of a human being, no matter how that life in the womb came about. The procedure can entail details that would not be used to put down an animal, let alone a mass killer.

One candidate’s policy is to leave the decision to each state is tantamount to leaving the decision of the death penalty to each state as it is now. Depending on which state the killer did the murder, the person could be executed by lethal injection, electricity or other means to cause the least suffering or given a prison life sentence.

Depending on the state, the life of a child in the womb of its mother would be at risk for a horrible death of saline injection or vacuum extraction, of which I will not go into detail. Or the mother and/or parents/family are not given counseling and opportunities for education and health care to continue to birth and beyond, including adoption.

Another thought what if the fact of slavery was left to be determined by each state?

Christine Marulewski


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