Letter: Turn McHenry County Blue

Letter to the Editor

The disgraceful display of support by McHenry County Republicans of a pathological lying conman, convicted felon, civilly adjudicated rapist and civilly fined business fraudster, who with his Project 2025 manifesto boasts of being a “Dictator on Day One” was an appalling sight to see at the Woodstock cult rally Aug. 18.

The parade of MAGA cultists flying their Trump flags down Route 47 resembled a Taliban caravan.

Promoted right-wing demagogues included convicted felons Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and the delusional conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell. Most disturbing of all, our McHenry County Chair Mike Buehler who was joined by his fellow County Board candidate MAGA extremists, Sullivan, Reinert, Hendricks, Shorten, Krieger, Thomas, Kamienski, Von Bergen and Kearns, who proved their own depravity.

These local Republican “leaders” have sold their own souls, morals, ethics, principles, constitutional and Christian values to defend and worship a twice-impeached mendacious con artist, still under three grand jury indictments for sedition, insurrection, election subversion and espionage. That should be a wake-up call to every sensible voter in McHenry County.

I urge every patriotic McHenry Democrat, independent and Republican supporters of RVAT.org to vote for Kelli Wegener, Chris Kalapodis, Theresa Meshes, John Collins, Rester Dogboe, Brian Meyers, Steve Firak, Arne Waltmire, Louisett Ness, Dawn Milarski, Dawn Ellison and Mary Mahady.

It is up to We the People to drive this MAGA cult out of office in November and restore honor, empathy, equality, diversity, inclusion, transparency, honesty, morality and actual patriotism into our local government.

Bob Janz


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