Do you have unclaimed money or assets? Find out at ICash event Tuesday in Algonquin

Illinois's ICash program, run by state Treasurer Michael Frerichs' office, is a clearinghouse for unclaimed assets, where Illinois residents can find out if they are owed money they might be unaware of.

An ICash event, where people can learn about any unclaimed assets they might have, will take place Tuesday, Sept. 24, in Algonquin, hosted by Illinois state Sens. Dan McConchie of Hawthorn Woods and Don DeWitte of St. Charles, in conjunction with the Illinois Treasurer’s office.

The ICash event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Ganek Municipal Center’s Village Board Room, 2200 Harnish Drive, Algonquin. Attendees can find out if they are owed money and get help filing claims if they are.

ICash is from State Treasurer Michael Frerichs’ office and it holds unclaimed property until the rightful owners or heirs claim it, according to the ICash website. The Illinois treasurer’s office has $5 billion in unclaimed property that is owed to Illinoisans, according to the release.

Here is where you can about ICash: Besides in-person events, people can check the website to learn if they are owed anything and start the claims process.

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