Letter: Illinois abortion law’s lack of restrictions ‘immoral and repugnant’

Letter to the Editor

I saw an interview with a delegate on the floor of the Democratic National Convention who was asked a pertinent question – “What is more important to you – Democracy or Abortion?” To her credit, she paused and stumbled a bit before she went on to say “abortion.” How sad. I don’t know which state she was from, but if she lives in Illinois, she doesn’t have any reason to fear.

Conservatives are Pro Life. As such, we support a woman’s right to have an abortion if her life is in danger due to her pregnancy. I also believe that during a pregnancy a fetus becomes a viable baby after about 6 months, which was the standard defined by the US Supreme Court in 1973 with the Roe v Wade ruling.

Prior to 2019, Illinois law prohibited abortions once a baby became viable. In 2019, Governor JB Pritzker signed a law passed by the Democrat supermajority in Springfield that removed that restriction and gives a woman a right to make an autonomous decision about if and when she can elect to have an abortion. Personally, I feel that Illinois’ current law that removed the restriction on abortions after a baby becomes viable is immoral and repugnant.

Donald Trump cannot pass a single abortion law in any state. That is a false narrative (misinformation) pushed by the Democrat party and their allies in the media.

Tim Beck


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