Letter: Why is Mary Mahady running against Steve Reick?

Letter to the Editor

Mary Mahady, McHenry Township assessor, has no business running against Steve Reick for Illinois state representative in the 63th District. A search of the McHenry Township Board minutes reveals she hasn’t attended a single regular board meeting in over a year!

Straight from the McHenry County Supervisor of Assessments Office, Mahady’s coefficient of dispersion on township assessments is 15.12%! Could you run a business with that coefficient of dispersion? An “alumni” of Lauren Underwood’s Farm Team PAC, Mahady is far too partisan for McHenry County. What bothers me the most is she is running against the very person that has brought more attention to and is affecting change in the Department of Children and Family Services in Illinois than anyone in the past 20 years, Steve Reick! Remember AJ Freund! Vote Reick this election!

Kirk Donald


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