Letter: ‘Absolutely creepy’

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Monday, Sept 23, 2024, Donald Trump spoke to a crowd in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and told women they did not need to be afraid anymore. He would be their protector. It is amazing enough that this sad example of a human being can barely stay on point on a conversation, but then he rambles on about what he is going to do for women. It is absolutely creepy.

Let us remind voters that this creep who says he will be a woman’s protector, has been found civilly liable for sexual abuse and has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 26 women.

He went on to say that women would not have to be thinking about abortion and health care. He would protect them. Once again, lets remind voters this is the same guy that put three pro-life justices on the Supreme Court and had repeatedly said how proud he was of his accomplishment. Not at any point in his rant did he provide one single thread of evidence or substance for how he would make a woman’s life better.

This man is lacking in the most basic of moral values and if there is anything that women can count on, it is that he will do nothing to protect them. Nothing.

Vote for change in November. Vote against Donald Trump.

Anna Gifford


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