Letter: Voter Registration Sham

Letter to the Editor

United States of America, home of democracy, and leader in the free world has the poorest voter registration system. No proof of citizenship required, just your signature is the guarantee that you’re a citizen. It’s a system run by the states with operational control dictated by whether your state is Blue or Red.

The state’s bureaucracy and most inefficient operation are given complete authority for determining voter citizenship. Do you believe that rigorous verification of citizenship is the priority of government? If yes, I’d like to sell you “Ocean Front Property” in Arizona, but Arizona does not have oceanfront property and you certainly can’t see the sea.

What was known as a Temporary Visitor’s Driver’s License is now replaced with a license that can be used as a valid form of identification. The TVDL featured a large purple rectangle with “TVDL” in white text at the top of the card. Under the Democrat Secretary of State, undocumented immigrants are now eligible for driver’s licenses in Illinois, the same as an Illinois citizen except for three words “Federal Limits Apply.”

Can our electoral system have non-citizens registered and voting to elect our next president? Yes, the illegal immigrants entering this country have committed a crime by not choosing the legal entry to USA.

We know how the Department of Homeland Security has vetted the millions of illegal aliens crossing the southern border.

Robert Meale

Crystal Lake

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