Letter: Kelli Wegener can lead County Board in right direction

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

This election season, two issues weigh heavily on my mind: mental health care and electing experienced and rational county board members.

With mental health in McHenry County, indeed the entire country, the need far outweighs the supply. We had a family member who was transported to Indiana for crisis response because zero beds were available in Illinois. We need someone who will fight for more facilities and providers in our own communities. Kelli Wegener is that fighter.

In this era of disinformation, petty politics and conspiracy theories, McHenry County needs level heads. The blatant sexism and favoritism that has stained our board the last several years needs to be stopped cold. Small-minded bigots need to be swept away. Kelli Wegener can lead the board in the right direction, fairly.

We can’t control much in this life, but we can wrestle our board away from the mouth-breathers and back-slappers. I’m voting for Kelli Wegener for board chairperson.

James Klem

Holiday Hills

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