Election | Northwest Herald

2024 Election Questionnaire: Seth Alan Cohen for U.S. House 9th District representative

As submitted to the Daily Herald:

Party: Republican

Office Sought: U.S. House 9th District

City: Chicago

Age: 27

Occupation: Nonprofit director

Previous offices held: None

Seth Alan Cohen is running for the U.S. House of Representatives, seeking to represent the 9th District.

What must be done to achieve a consistent national policy on immigration, not just in terms of what such a policy should be but also in terms of getting a policy through the Senate?

To achieve a consistent national immigration policy, the government must prioritize border security, streamline legal immigration, and focus on economic contributions. A combination of barriers, technology, and manpower is essential to secure the border and prevent illegal entry.

Meanwhile, the immigration process must be reformed to expedite applications for skilled immigrants, agricultural workers, and U.S.-educated graduates.

To pass this through the Senate, bipartisan cooperation is key. Lawmakers need to balance border security with reforms that benefit the economy. Provisions for labor visas and pathways for skilled immigrants, paired with strong enforcement, will create a balanced approach.

By finding common ground and focusing on national security and economic prosperity, a comprehensive immigration reform can gain traction in the Senate and earn support across party lines.

Do you believe the nation’s election system and those of the individual states are secure and fair? If not, what must be done to improve them?

This is a complex issue. What defines fairness? Gerrymandering and the power of incumbency certainly aren’t fair to the American people. Nor do they appreciate politicians constantly begging for money, which is often essential for electoral success.

Yet, this system aligns with the U.S. Constitution, and in that sense, it is fair. In terms of election security, mostly yes. To be clear, former President Trump lost the 2020 election.

That said, voter ID laws are crucial, reasonable, and effective in ensuring the system’s continued resilience.

Additionally, a national voting day would reduce the need for alternative voting methods besides in-person voting. While more can be done to enhance election security, there is ample evidence showing the current system is already secure.

What responsibilities does the United States have toward achieving peace in the Middle East? Do you support a two-state solution?

The U.S. has a responsibility to its most crucial ally, Israel, to ensure peace that benefits both Israel and the American people. The U.S. should continue to assist in Israel’s security while collaborating on mutually beneficial military and civilian innovations.

Additionally, a one-state solution is the most just and effective outcome. It will offer Palestinians relief from terrorism, economic hardship, and starvation inflicted by their so-called leaders. A unified Israel, supported by American-backed peace efforts, will promote stability and prosperity for all, and serve the interests of the American people.

Do you think the United States is providing adequate support for Ukraine? Should the U.S. support Ukraine’s efforts to join NATO?

The U.S. is providing significant support to Ukraine, which has been crucial in helping them resist Russian aggression. However, support should be focused on military aid that weakens the Russian military without overextending American resources or military capacity.

The U.S. should not, however, commit to non-military spending like rebuilding Ukraine or paying government salaries. Europe must step up in these areas.

As for Ukraine joining NATO, I do not support it. NATO’s expansion should be halted until significant reforms are implemented. The organization must focus on its core mission, ensuring the security of its current members rather than continuously growing. Ukraine’s NATO membership risks further escalation with Russia, and expanding NATO without addressing internal issues could undermine the alliance’s effectiveness.

Instead, the U.S. should focus on providing military aid to Ukraine, ensuring regional stability, and pushing for reforms within NATO.

How do you perceive the financial health of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid? To the degree you may see problems with these programs, what should be done about them?

U.S. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are rapidly depleting government resources while contributing to inflation and deficit spending. Currently, only 30% of congressional spending is discretionary, with 70% directed toward mandatory programs, including these three.

Nearly one-third of Americans are on Medicaid, the retirement age no longer aligns with modern life expectancy, and the costs of supporting an aging population are becoming unsustainable. Understandably, any attempt to reform these programs sparks public outrage — especially after years of watching large corporations, banks, and auto companies receive significant public funds.

However, reforms are essential to ensure long-term American prosperity. For these reforms to succeed, we must prioritize the nation’s future over short-term interests.

How do you assess the state of the national economy? What should be done to make it stronger or more stable?

The national economy faces significant challenges, including inflation and rising debt, which threaten long-term stability. Deficit spending is a major driver of inflation, flooding the economy with excess money. In addition, burdensome regulations stifle entrepreneurship and hinder GDP growth.

To strengthen and stabilize the economy, the U.S. must end deficit spending and reduce the national debt by cutting unnecessary expenses and ensuring efficient use of resources. Regulatory reform is also critical — while some regulations are essential, many are redundant and prevent businesses from growing and innovating.

Streamlining these regulations will foster entrepreneurship, creating jobs and boosting the economy. Finally, the tax code must be simplified. A fair, transparent system would end loopholes and reduce compliance costs, ensuring everyone contributes their share. These steps will reduce inflation, encourage growth, and ensure a more stable financial future.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective congressional representative in dealing with the issues the country will face in the next two years?

As a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, I bring a strong sense of duty, discipline, and leadership to the role of a congressman. My military experience taught me how to make critical decisions under pressure and lead diverse teams — skills that will be invaluable in addressing the issues our country faces.

I also hold a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago, where I developed an understanding of economics, policy, and governance, preparing me to tackle challenges like deficit spending. Having grown up, lived, and raised my family in the 9th District, I deeply understand the challenges facing everyday Americans and the impact of government decisions on their lives. I’m not driven by political power or party loyalty but by the desire to represent the best interests of my constituents and ensure a prosperous future for all Americans.

My commitment to pragmatic solutions, combined with my leadership experience, makes me uniquely qualified to navigate the next two years in Congress.