Letter: Lie after lie

Letter to the Editor

I continue to watch Donald Trump tell lie after lie. I am always confused by people who choose to believe them. They accept the lies because they are scared or uninformed about the truth.

Climate change is an example. The evidence is overwhelming about climate change. The evidence is overwhelming that humans caused it. Some fixes will require changes; some may be uncomfortable. So it is easier to deny it and accept the lies of people who want your vote. They create an illusion that you like.

Immigration is another. Statistics prove that immigrants overall benefit our economy and break the law less than the normal population, but some let their fears get in the way and believe the misinformation.

COVID-19, of course, showed us in real time the consequences about believing all the lies Trump fed us. Over a million people died, and we were one of the last in the industrialized world in vaccination rate.

I am sure that there are people that ignore the lies because they feel they will personally benefit by his election. But the fact is the more we choose not to face the truth, the more severe the consequences will be. The truth of the matter is that Republicans and Democrats used to work together to solve America’s problems. But the fact is that there is only one party, Democrats, that is working to solve REAL problems and another, Republicans, that paints illusions to either relieve or fan people’s fears. Choose the illusion at our country’s risk.

Jeff Varda


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